Asustor NAS integration

Could you create integration for Asustor NAS’s like it is done for Synology or QNAP devices, where later on I may review some data considering work of NAS like CPU usage or memory, etc?

It’s a good idea, I will be glad to use it to shut down the NAS in case of electricity shutdown.


YES PLEASE! Thank you.

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Yes Please

This would be great. Especially to monitor drive utilization.

That would be great! Should be possible via snmp.

+1 for the integration request.
I used the monitoring and temps on my synology, would be awesome to have the same for Asustor

+1 for the integration, at least being able to shutdown after a power failure would be awesome.

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Please add the integration

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+1 for the integration, especially for shutdown

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+1 for this integration

Would also love to have an integration with my NAS, seems unfair there is one for Synology and not for Asustor.

Please add this integration

Adding the wake on LAN in the integration would also be nice.

This would be convenient, however in the meantime a few features can be achieved using other integrations:

  • Wake on Lan as requested by @Bughunter by using the Wake on Lan integration, and the Nas’ MAC address - need to ensure it is enabled in asustor settings too
  • Shut down nas by using Network UPS Tools - it is a bit finnicky but if your UPS is connected to Network UPS Tools running on home assistant, you can connect your NAS to it remotely and the nas can be programmed to shut down based on the network UPS’ battery status