Asuswrt cant turn off track new devices

Hi !

I configured my Asus router to track devices. But i only want it to track my phone. So i set it to not track new devices and only track mine, but it still popping up new devices.

What do i do wrong ?

platform: asuswrt
protocol: telnet
interval_seconds: 10
consider_home: 180
track_new_devices: no

I have tried prefixes like “no” “No” “false” “False” but it still updating the list :confused:

Allow it to track new devices. Your known_device.yaml file will fill up with all devices on your router will all of their tracking saying “true”. Change the tracking to false for any devices you do not want tracked in tye known_devices.yaml, change track_new_devices to :no and then restart HA.

Hi and thanks for answer !

Im well aware of that and have done it. But when for example a new friend arives or my sister got a new phone i need to go in and put false on this devices in known_devices. I also have false on track new devices but they still pops up :slight_smile: ?!

Do you restart HA after you change the track_new_devices option?

Wait, do you have more than one device tracker? If yes, the system only takes the setting from the first track_new_devices entry…

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Yes i restart it. But you got a point there. I have a tracker on my Volvo on Call. That one is first in line in Config. But on that platform i dont have any option written for track new devices.


  • platform: volvooncall

device_tracker 2:

  • platform: asuswrt
    protocol: telnet
    interval_seconds: 10
    consider_home: 180
    track_new_devices: false

Can i add the string “track_new_devices: false” to tracker one to ?

Yes. try that.

Update on this due to the recent breaking change, the config now looks like this:

  - platform: asuswrt
    host: !secret AP_IP
    username: !secret AP_ADMIN_USERNAME
    password: !secret AP_ADMIN_PASS
    mode: ap
    require_ip: false
      track_new_devices: false

The new device defaults seems to work ok (setting track new devices to false) ONLY if this is the first entry of all your trackers (as mentioned above).

What I would like is to stop any new devices being discovered by this tracker at all - so the known_devices.yaml file does not fill up with every device the AP ever sees.
Is there any way to stop this?
I’ve tried the line:

    track_new_devices: false

on it’s own and it does seem to work…

The doco actually shows conflicting info on how fo config