AsusWrt Device Discovery: HA cannot read private key file

Hi there,

I want to setup the AsusWrt Device Discovery

I generated the two keypairs.

My HA config looks like this:

  - platform: asuswrt
    username: USERNAME
    protocol: ssh
    port: 22
    mode: router
    ssh_key: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/private.pkk

And the log says:

17-04-30 10:06:16 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [device_tracker.asuswrt]: not 
a file for dictionary value @ data['ssh_key']. Got '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/private.pkk'. (See ?, 
line ?). Please check the docs at

have I to bring the private key file in another format, e.g with some whitespaces or is it not included correctly? Cant find anything in the documentation or here in the forum about this problem.

Thanks in advance!

Oh sorry… I solved my problem. Don’t know why… I generated two ney keypairs, put it in another directory and now it works…