Asuswrt disable router


After update of new asuswrt. I’m facing funny error.
When it is enabled, after few minutes it disable my router.
I’m unable to get a log because router (RT-AC51U ) is unreachable, so I know, it is hard to help. After hard restart everything woks correctly for another cca 30 minutes and then…freeze.
I’m using telenet since my router doesn’t support SSH.
I thinking about alternative firmware ,but I think it is not a best solution.
Have anybody problem like this?



Hello Jan,

Not an answer for your question directly, but I use Asuswrt-Merlin on multiple devices as alternative firmware and it’ much more secure and professional than the factory firmwares. So basically using alternatives is not a bad idea, but for sure it’s a question which one you trust. Unfortunately the Merlin distribution doesn’t support your hardware, it’s quite old. Have you tried to factory reset your router? I had such issue several times with my AC88U. (Was never able to solve it completely, finally replaced the box)


Hi Jack,

Thank you for your help.
Yes factory reset is an option, but to be honest, I spent so much time to set-up address routing etc…:slight_smile:
Alternative software, I found a OpenWrt which should support my router.
So if component asuswrt is not broken I have two options.
Try to factory reset…
Alternative firmware.

Or buy new router which is not Asus

I’m little afraid that if I do factory reset or alternative firmware and asuswrt is broken, than it is a wast of time , therefore I’m asking if someone have a same experience.



I have/had several models and to be honest I don’t know what people likes in these Asus products. This is not the correct place to say bad words on products or providers, but I would definitely go to something else today like a Mikrotik heX ( I think the best setup is having a stable and secure wired router and attach an AccessPoint to it to have the wireless. As AC wifi standards are rapidly improving it gives you a cost efficient way to upgrade anytime you need without bothering your routing, firewall setup.


I live in small village far far away from the civilisation so I don´t care about a speed…my connection is soo poor.
Up to 20MB/s :slight_smile:
I had TP link which was really cheap, but it was absolutely stable, unfortunately I made some…call it …developments and burn it down.
Than, I bought Asus ,quite nice reviews about this stuff and it works nice in standard situation , but with Home assistant it is a problem, at least in my configuration.

Maybe I should to tell you a reason why I’m talking about this service.
My target is:
I have WemosD1 with Tasmota firmware connected to specific circuit which is on line if low cost electricity is distribute. And I want to track this device state to be able start wash machine, dryer and so on…just notification if it is on-line.And device tracker seems to be good solution…if its on-line …do something.
