ASUSWRT download total rolling over at 4.29GB

I have an Asus RT-AC68U running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware (386.2).

My download and upload totals seems to be resetting multiple times a day at 4.29GB, is this an error in configuration, or something that needs a workaround?


In case someone comes here in the distant future.

Maybe one day this will be fixed, until then I added some sensors using the integration platform that seem to work okay.

- platform: integration 
  source: sensor.asuswrt_upload_speed
  name: asuswrt_upload_integral_total_mbit
  unit: Mbit
  unit_time: s
  round: 0
  method: left
- platform: template 
      friendly_name: "Upload total"
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.asuswrt_upload_integral_total_mbit')|float / 8000) | round(1) }}" 
      unit_of_measurement: GB

- platform: integration 
  source: sensor.asuswrt_download_speed
  name: asuswrt_download_integral_total_mbit
  unit: Mbit
  unit_time: s
  round: 0
  method: left

- platform: template 
      friendly_name: "Download total"
      value_template: "{{ (states('sensor.asuswrt_download_integral_total_mbit')|float / 8000) | round(1) }}" 
      unit_of_measurement: GB

This issue still exists and this solution still works on 2022.2.9.

Another working alternative is in the github issue: