ASUSWRT has stopped showing connected devices?

I have connected my ASUS router to my HA instance. My router is scheduled to restart every Thursday and it appears this has knocked the connection between HA and ASUS. While the integration is still listed, I don’t see any connected devices.

Can someone suggest why this might be and how I can fix this?

did you update to the new version yesterday? as it has completly mangled my asuswrt and now gives me login error when i try to readd the intergration

same problem here, can’t login using either telnet or ssh. Tried setting up the integration again, no luck. There is a bug raised that you can track here: Asuswrt broken after 2021.5 · Issue #50132 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I updated to a new version and ASUSWRT still works fine.

I did update, although I’ve only recently started using HA so can’t say if the update broke it.

If I reload the ASUS integration, it works fine again… but stops working the next day.