ASUSWRT Integration Help

I’ve just bought an ASUS ZenWiFi mesh router and I’m trying to install the ASUSWRT integration but I’m struggling as I keep getting error messages at configuration stage.

Maybe it’s me going crazy but can someone please tell me, in simple terms, what I’m supposed to enter in the fields in the below image?

Host = the IP address of your router
User = the user name used to log into your router admin portal.
Password = the password used to log into your router portal.

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Thanks for the reply.

That’s exactly what I’ve been entering but I keep getting incorrect details errors.

I thought maybe it was because I didn’t have SSH turned on so I turned it on but still get the errors.

I’m wondering if the ZenWiFi range is supported or not? It’s the XT9 model.

I believe from memory you need either SSH or Telnet enabled for this to work!

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I have SSH enabled and select SSH in the config setup but get a "Failed to Connect’ error every time.

I’ll open a guthub issue I think.

You could always take a look at this as an alternative, for me it worked better and certainly has better documentation:

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