Async_add_executor_job not doing what i expected

I am trying to build an integration and for that i need to do an API call. This API call is done with a library which does not support async programming, therefore I tried using async_add_executor_job to do this api call.
However, by running the api call function inside async_add_executor_job, it changes the input to the API call function and keeps executing the function multiple times. I have been trying a lot of different stuff, but i can’t seem to find what the problem is.
Here is my code:

    async def _async_update_data(self) -> dict:
        """Get the latest data from ENTSO-e"""
        self.logger.debug("Fetching ENTSO-e data")

        today = pd.Timestamp(dt.as_local(dt.start_of_local_day()))

        tomorrow = pd.Timestamp(dt.as_local(dt.start_of_local_day()+timedelta(days=1)))

        data_today = await self.fetchprices(today, tomorrow)

        return {
            "marketPricesElectricity": data_today,

    async def fetchprices(self, start_date, end_date):
            resp = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(
                self.api_update, start_date, end_date

            data = resp.to_dict()
            return data

        except (asyncio.TimeoutError, KeyError) as error:
            raise UpdateFailed(f"Fetching energy price data failed: {error}") from error

    def api_update(self, start_date, end_date):
        client = EntsoePandasClient(api_key=self.api_key)

        return client.query_day_ahead_prices("NL", start=start_date, end=end_date)

I hope you can help me!

Thanks in advance!

You need to post the rest of your code or link to repo to see what is going on. Just as an fyi, it is good practice to pass you api key in to the function rather than ref it.

Thanks for the tip! I will change that.
Link to the repo is:

It is fixed now by not using start_of_local_day for the variable today. I have no idea what caused the strange behavior of this function when combining it with async_add_executor_job.