At a glance presence overview using frigate and custom blueprints

If anyone ever ends up in the unfortunate position to have to look over a relative with early onset short term memory loss, will know that keeping an eye on them when they are on their own is critical to their safety.

My mother over the past few months has suffered a mini stroke that has left her with partial short term memory loss. While carers visit her I wanted some peace of mind that she will be OK when she’s left alone in the house.

So I’ve turned to frigate and home assistant to help. I’ve installed a 10+ tapo C110 cameras throughout the property (one in each room) plus some mmWave sensors with the cameras linked to a frigate instance running on a NAS that I’ve left at her house. The mmWave sensors report directly to my HA instance which is used to report all of this. Her house and mine are connected via Tailscale .

The video feeds are processed to check for people presence and record events accordingly. However the stock automations left a bit to be desired, as they are geared towards generating alerts and events when someone is there, not when they are not. Also I could not integrate at a glance other detection devices (like the mmWave sensors for areas where video feeds are not the right thing to do).

So I made the below:

  1. A blueprint that scans all the people presence detection entities exposed by frigate in HA and creates a list of occupied rooms in a text box. This can be then displayed as a “chip” in my HA dashboard. This way at a glance I can see where in the house she is currently, when I check in on her, instead of having to scan through the 10+ camera feeds that are available (and also to retain an element of her privacy).
  2. The above blueprint also exports a text field containing the room where a person was last seen. This is useful to know where she last was when the system stopped detecting her (eg. front door, staircase etc).
  3. A date/time stamp when the last person was seen.
  4. It can work beyond just cameras - mmWave presence detection devices and motion sensors can also be used as inputs for areas that are more sensitive to her privacy (and of course there is no image there)

Basically with the above three, I can at a glance with three chips, know if she’s around and if not, where she last was and when.

(in the above I also have a list of picture entities of high criticality areas (staircase, kitchen, door) that show the last captured person snapshot, so I can check for example that she hasn’t fallen down the stairs or that she hasn’t left the house, at a glance)

However acting quickly is also important. So I setup another blueprint that

  1. Generates a mobile notification when no-one is in the house and a configurable amount of time has passed.
  2. The notification attaches a screenshot of the last place she was seen, the name of the room/camera and the time.
    This is useful to setup alerts so if for example she leaves the house or similar, and she hasn’t returned for a set amount of time, I can call her and check in on her.

I’m currently testing this and tweaking it but wanted to share in case anyone else was in a similar position to me and finds this useful.

I’d welcome any suggestions on how to improve this further! I’m reasonably new to coding in HA (but have plenty of experience in C++ etc) so even this has been a steep learning curve.

Things I’d love to be able to do, but I haven’t figured it out yet:

  1. Fall detection (and immediate notification)
  2. Scream/shout detection (unfortunately for some reason frigate doesn’t recognise these even though the audio recognition is enabled and these are available as events).

Helpers: (plus one input boolean configured in the UI used to control the notifications so I dont get duplicates)

    name: "Occupied Rooms (Cameras)"
    initial: ""
    max: 255
    name: "Last Occupied Room (Cameras)"
    initial: "Waiting for first detection..."
    max: 255

    name: "Last Detection Timestamp (Cameras)"
    has_date: true
    has_time: true

    url: "http://IP:9150/api/events?limit=1&has_snapshot=1"
    method: GET
      accept: "application/json"
    timeout: 10
    content_type: "application/json"
    payload: "{}"

Occupied locations blueprint

  name: Occupied Rooms Update with Last Detected Room and last detection timestamp
  description: >
    This blueprint updates a given input text field with a coma separated list of names of the rooms where
    occupancy has been detected using the specified sensors and corresponding room names. It is set to "" (empty) if no presence is
    currently detected. \n\n
    It also updates another input text field with the last room where presence was detected and the 
    date/time when the last presense was detected. \n\n
    Finally when presence is detected, it resets the Notification Sent Boolean helper. That helper can be used to enable single issuance of
    notifications when presence has not been detected or other automations. 
  domain: automation
      name: Room Occupancy Sensors
      description: The binary sensors detecting presence. 
          domain: binary_sensor
          multiple: true
      name: Room Names
      description: The names of the rooms corresponding to each sensor. Used to populate the outputs.
          multiple: true

      name: Occupied Rooms
      description: The input_text entity where the list of occupied rooms will be stored, separated by a coma (,). Field will be empty if no rooms are currently occupied.
          domain: input_text

      name: Last Occupied Room
      description: The input_text entity where the name of the room where presence was last detected will be stored.
          domain: input_text
      name: Last Seen Date Time
      description: The input_datetime entity where the date and time of the last presence detection will be stored.
          domain: input_datetime

      name: Notification Sent Boolean
      description: The input_boolean entity used to track whether a notification has been sent. It will be turned off when presence is detected.
          domain: input_boolean

  sensors_list: !input sensors
  names_list: !input names

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input sensors
    from: "on"
    to: "off"
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input sensors
    from: "off"
    to: "on"

condition: []

  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: !input occupied_rooms_text
      value: >
        {% set ns = namespace(occupied_rooms=[]) %}
        {% for i in range(sensors_list | length) %}
          {% set sensor = sensors_list[i] %}
          {% set name = names_list[i] %}
          {% if is_state(sensor, 'on') %}
            {% set ns.occupied_rooms = ns.occupied_rooms + [name] %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% if ns.occupied_rooms | length > 0 %}
          People detected in the {{ ns.occupied_rooms | join(', ') }}.
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}

  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: !input last_detected_room_text
      value: >
                {% set ns = namespace(last_room='') %}
                {% for i in range(sensors_list | length) %}
                  {% set sensor = sensors_list[i] %}
                  {% set name = names_list[i] %}
                  {% if (trigger.entity_id == sensor) %}
                    {% set ns.last_room = name %}
                  {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
                {% for i in range(sensors_list | length) %}
                  {% set sensor = sensors_list[i] %}
                  {% set name = names_list[i] %}
                  {% if is_state(sensor, 'on') %}
                    {% set ns.last_room = name %}
                  {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
                {{ ns.last_room  }}
  - service: input_datetime.set_datetime
      entity_id: !input last_seen_datetime
      datetime: "{{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') }}"

  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
      entity_id: !input notification_sent_boolean_in

Notification blueprint:

  name: Notify on Absence of Presence Detection
  description: >
    This blueprint monitors the last detection timestamp and sends a notification
    to a specified mobile device if no presence has been detected anywhere in the property for a configurable
    amount of time. The notification will include the last detected room, the last detection time, and a thumbnail of the latest event.

  domain: automation
      name: Last Detection Timestamp
      description: The input_datetime entity where the timestamp containing the last presence detection is stored.
          domain: input_datetime

      name: Last Occupied Room Text
      description: The input_text entity where the name of the last occupied room is stored. This will be used in the notification text.
          domain: input_text

      name: Time Threshold (minutes)
      description: The amount of time (in minutes) without presence detection before sending a notification.
      default: 60
          min: 1
          max: 1440
          unit_of_measurement: minutes

      name: Device to Notify
      description: The device to send a push notification to. The device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
          integration: mobile_app

      name: Notification Sent Boolean
      description: The input_boolean entity used to track whether a notification has been sent. Reset this when presence has been detected to enable notifications again.
          domain: input_boolean
      name: Occupied Rooms
      description: The input_text entity where the list of occupied rooms will be stored. Used to check that no rooms are occupied, as the timestamp only contains the last detection time, not if any rooms are currently occupied.
          domain: input_text

      name: Homeassistant Public Address
      description: The public facing http(s) address of homeassistant, used to display notification snapshots.
          multiline: false

      name: The frigate client ID
      description: If using multiple frigate instances, specify the client ID for the server used in this automation.
          multiline: false

      name: Rest Command
      description: The rest_command service name that will be used to fetch the latest Frigate event from the corresponding frigate server.
          multiline: false

      name: The url to navigate to when clicked
      description: Enter the dashboard uri to open when the notification is clicked. 
          multiline: false

  last_detection_timestamp: !input last_detection_timestamp_in
  last_occupied_room_text: !input last_occupied_room_text_in
  time_threshold: !input time_threshold_in
  notification_sent_boolean: !input notification_sent_boolean_in
  occupied_rooms_text: !input occupied_rooms_text
  server_address: !input server_address_in
  client_id: !input client_id_in
  - platform: time_pattern
    seconds: "/30"

  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% set last_time = state_attr(last_detection_timestamp, 'timestamp') | default(0, true) | as_datetime %}
      {% set threshold = time_threshold | int %}
      {% set has_notification_been_sent = states(notification_sent_boolean) %}
      {% set occupied_rooms = states(occupied_rooms_text) %}
      {{ (now() - last_time).total_seconds() > (threshold * 60) and has_notification_been_sent == 'off' and (occupied_rooms == '' or occupied_rooms == 'unknown' or occupied_rooms == 'None') }}

  - action: !input rest_command_in
    response_variable: frigate_response
  - domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    device_id: !input notify_device
    title: "No Presence Detected"
    message: >
        {% set last_room = states(last_occupied_room_text) %}
        {% set last_time = states(last_detection_timestamp) %}
        {% if last_time in ['unknown', 'None', ''] %}
          No recent presence detected.
        {% else %}
          {% set last_dt = strptime(last_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %}
          {% set today = now().date() %}
          {% set yesterday = (now() - timedelta(days=1)).date() %}
          {% set formatted_date = 
              "today" if == today else 
              "yesterday" if == yesterday else 
              last_dt.strftime('%d %b') %}
          {% set formatted_time = last_dt.strftime('%H:%M') %}
          Last presence detected in the {{ last_room }} {{ formatted_date }} at {{ formatted_time }}.
        {% endif %}
      image: "{{ server_address }}/api/frigate/{{ client_id }}/notifications/{{ frigate_response['content'][0]['id'] }}/snapshot.jpg"
      url: !input url_when_clicked
  - service: input_boolean.turn_on
      entity_id: !input notification_sent_boolean_in
mode: single


Thanks for sharing, couldn’t be better timing, as I am currently looking to setup something similar, which mmWave sensors are you using?

Home made using either the df robot sensors or the ld2410 sensor and some esp devices running esphome. I’m using the df robot one in the bedroom as i find it more accurate and sensitive with the ld2410 in areas where less accuracy is needed but a camera doesn’t make sense to go (eg corridors).

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