Atas Scientific Wi-Fi Aquaponics Kit for ESPHome

Atas Scientific Wi-Fi Aquaponics Kit for ESPHome


Code for Atas Scientific Wi-Fi Aquaponics Kit to be compatable with ESPHome and HomeAssistant using Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board.
This code will communitcate with all the sensors and send the data to HomeAssistant. The ESP device should be automatically discovered in your HomeAssitant instance once ready. Another .bin file as well as source code for calibration is located on the Releases page for this project.

Sensors for this kit are:

RTD - Temperature  
PH - pH   
EC - Conductivity (Salinity)  
DO - Dissolved Oxygen  
HUM - Humidity  
CO2 - CO2 (in air)  
PMP - Controlled Doser Pump  



Install via USB here:

ESPHome Web (.bin)

Download latest .bin from Releases and install via ESPHome Web
You will also see the calibation binary if you need to calibrate the probes.

From Source

  1. Copy the contents of aquaponics-kit.yaml into ESPHome instance after adding an esp32 device named Aquaponics Kit.
  2. Remove the following lines:
name_add_mac_suffix: true
  package_import_url: github://TheRealFalseReality/Aquaponics-Kit/aquaponics-kit.yaml@main

using source code, you can also customize anything and add your own sensors! Make it your own!

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Can this work for the Hydroponic Kit also? Adjusting the code for different sensors ofcours?

Thank you

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Yep! I use the same code for to this day

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Colud you , please, paste the code somewhere, not really straightforward as i thought

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are you trying to install the software in full? Or just trying to add the code to your existing device? I’ll be able to help I think if I know where to begin

Im happy with either. I manually adjusted the code to work with just the following:

RTD - Temperature
PH - pH
EC - Conductivity (Salinity)
DO - Dissolved Oxygen

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