AtHom AR01 IR sensor - help needed

note: I’m new to ESPHome but not to Home Assistant.

The AtHome IR sensor was recommended to me. It comes with Tasmota firmware, which I upgraded to the latest. The device is now on my Wifi network.

I was told the next step was to use the ESPHome HA add-on to flash ESPHome firmware on to the device. Unfortunately, the add-on does not seem to see the device on the network. Do I have to connect it directly to Home Assistant via USB to flash it with ESPHome ?

So, I attached it via USB to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running HAOS.

Now I’m stuck at this step :

There is only one button on the IR01, at the bottom. I have tried holding it many different lengths of time. It switches the LED state on the device. But I always get the error message ultimately.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks. My device does not appear, so there is no card for me to click . Any idea what to do in this case ?

Create a new device in ESPHome dashboard and when you get to the last bit that has the choice of install or skip, choose skip.

Then you can edit your yaml if required and follow the guide to install. I would start with a very basic config then add features as needed.

Thanks. I created a config based on ESP8266 since that’s the chip in the IR01 AtHom receiver. Not sure what to add to the YAML. All I need is IR receiver capability.

Hmm - I would so some googling and find someone who has already converted. IR is a pretty big step for your first ESPHome project.

I have been Googling, without success so far. I was assured in another thread in the Hardware forum that all the help I could need would be available in this forum :slight_smile:

I managed to do what I wanted with a Pi + FLIRC, but this is an oversized solution that I didn’t want to repeat for 4 rooms.

I created the initial configuration, and tried to flash it as is. However, ESPHome expects the hostname of the device to be in the “.local” domain (ie. mDNS hostname). But the IR01 out of the box with Tasmota firmware doesn’t do mDNS, unfortunately. I tried to put the hostname like this in athom-ir01.yaml

  name: tasmota-f996eb-5867

But that didn’t work due to tasmota-f996eb-5867.local not resolving .

It looks to me like I’m supposed to do the initial flash with USB (with the “prepare for first use” page I’m having issue with), and then only subsequently I can do flash wirelessly.