Athom Smart Plug v2 - repeated error


I keep getting below error message in the HA logs (on ESPHome 2023.8.2).

Any guidance, advice, … is much appreciated.

Logger: aioesphomeapi.connection
First occurred: 14:30:38 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:30:38

athom-smart-plug-v2-berging @ Connection error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

Do you experience any error? Like does the device go offline?

Best bet: Remove the integration for that particular esphome node and add it again - see if the message is gone. If it behaves the same do it again but restart HA inbetween removing & adding it again.

Hi Orange-assistant,

I do not experience any errors of the device going offline, becoming unresponsive, not getting an ip-address, not connecting, …

Love to understand what this error number is all about - might be leading to source of issue

Looks like to be something python related and around already for many years (longer than esphome even exists) :arrow_right_hook: Let Me Google That

But I would focus of the issue at first :wink: Is the message in the logs gone after you re-added the esphome node?


I am a bit wary about removing the integration for the problem plug, as i am not too confident I can add it back.

Do you have a suggestion what the best step-by-step process is to remove => reboot => re-add ?

No worries, the whole thing takes about 20 seconds. :stopwatch:

In the past I had success just removing it and adding it again. But not a 100% sure if things changed and a a restart of ha is necessery today - just try without (quick way) to see if it is a quick win :trophy:

Deleting and adding a esphome node will not delete any history/automations etc. It will just continue the way it worked when added again :rocket:

Solved by deleting + re-adding the integration for the faulty device.
Many thanks, @orange-assistant !

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