Athom Smart Plugs (Reliability / Lifetime / Time to failure) [please contribute]

Awesome, thank you :slight_smile:

Having said that, Im sure that was not there this morning, I promise I looked :sweat: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Not a smart plug but I have an Athom bulb that has been great for over a year but just this week has started randomly turning on, a lot. It’s running the latest WLED (14.1). In HA the only thing in the log is just ‘light turned on’, because HA didn’t cause it. It’s quite annoying because as far as I can see there is no internal WLED log to see what’s going on.

Seems I’m not alone either.

I’m currently working on designing a cloud switch and utilizing SMPS IC as KP3210. Despite my efforts, I’ve been unable to obtain the 5V output. If anyone has information regarding the values of the components or a circuit diagram, it would be immensely helpful. Thank you.

First of 3 smart plugs purchased around 2 years ago has died. Completely dead. No switching, connection to wifi or LED.

Was not switching, simply monitoring power of my TV.

The other two are on my fridge and Ryobi battery charger.

I see Athom have smart plugs with esp32-C3 available
for pre order and wonder if they will last longer than the earlier versions with the 8285 chipset.

Which country and model?

Model: PG01V2-AU16A
Country: Australia

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Here I am as a new owner of Athom Italian form smart plug
On the back of the plug it is written PG05 V2
On the Athom site it is written that it uses the V1 yaml

But in Home assistant it used the V2 yaml.
All seems ok, it is connected to Home assistant via esphome dashboard.
Just a stupid question
I want to change the relay state after current interruption changing it from
relay_restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
And change
sensor_update_interval: 10s
To 2s

Do I need to download the yaml file from GitHub, customize it and then upload it to the plug?
How do I perform this?
Sorry but I’m new to esphome

What I did: activated the plugs as described out of the box manual like you did.
Then find the IP-address of the plug.
Create a yaml in ESPHome as full copie from the appropriate Athom GitHub (V1, 2 or 3).
Modify it with static Wi-Fi-settings to link to the found IP and flash that wirelessly.
Modify the yaml as needed. Like: I translated all sensor- and switches names to our language.
(You could remove the static IP after that: the device will connect with that IP anyway. I did not remove it because I keep static IP’s for such plugs.
The remarked-out ‘use_address’ served to modify the original DHCP IP from 192…7 to 192…55 upon that first new OTA only so that the plug connects always as 192…55 from then on.)
Hope this is clear enough: English is not my native language.

  ssid: !secret wifi_password
  password: !secret wifi_password
    static_ip: ""
#  use_address:
    ssid: "${name} Hotspot"
    password: "Whatever"
  fast_connect: "${wifi_fast_connect}"
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I’m not 100%, but I think as an alternative to making a complete local master as VIMVa has suggested, you can use substitutions in your local file to override parts of the remote config.

So you would only need to add substitutions for this I think.

This way you keep any maintenance from the remote config.

So you can try simply adjusting this at the top of your local yaml and I think ESPHome will merge it in to the remote config for you as part of compiling routines.

  relay_restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
  sensor_update_interval: 2s
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True: the items that Pietro wants to modify sit in the substitutions section and you can as well keep the link to the GitHub yaml…

But it remains a mystery to me where to find that local yaml in ESPHome so that I can modify those substitutions. I did not find one here: the plugs are auto-discovered in HA but I found no yaml file to modify in ESPHome.
(Also: a full local file allows me to easily translate the names.)
My ESPHome knowledge ends there :cry:. I must be overlooking something simple…

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Just received and adopted AU Smart Plug v3.

Will keep the group updated about reliability.


Since the ESP32-C3 supports Bluetooth, you could use these around the house as ble trackers I think.

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Interesting, doesn’t look like bleproxy is supported by the standard firmware.

Any ideas on the changes I need to make?

For the ble tracker it should just be a matter of adding the config per the docs.

I’m not sure how it stacks up memory wise.

I don’t know much about Bluetooth proxy but should be pretty straightforward I think.

Do not recommend buying Athom products. Plugs trip.
LED controlled burnt my LEDs.
The custom support experience is negative.

I had success with Sengled zigbee plugs.