Athom smart plugs v2 not showing up for updates

Hello everyone!
I’m running a few esp-powered devices I built myself using esp32 or esp8266. After implementing them I noticed that after each esphome update the are listed for being updated as well (under settings):


However, I have a few athom smartplugs v2 that I flashed with esphome and found that they are not listed for update.
I’m using encryptionkeys. OTA from esphome works without any issues. I see the firmware entity disabled and after enabling it it shows “this entity is unavailable”. I checked the entity-name and also found, that there’s no corresponding configuration in the device’s yaml, but either in the yaml of devices that are listed for update. I currently do not know how esphome triggers the update-notification, on the working devices it was just there and worked.
The firmware information seems to be available on my smartplugs:


Does somebody have an idea how to get the update sensor to work? Thanks a lot for any help and have a good one!

Check whether this is a Disabled Entity under Configuration below. If there is it might be the firmware update sensor. When it is enabled all updates will show up.

Hi - thanks for your reply!
As mentioned I tried that and the entity then shows as “unavailable”, even after a few minutes.
I compared two yamls but didn’t find anything regarding a firmware sensor. Seems that this comes from esphome - if it’s working :slight_smile: .

I just tested with a node which has the following disabled


Once enabled the entity becomes visible within 30 seconds.

If this is not happening for you, I found that completely deleting that node in the integration and then re-adding usually solved most problems. Good luck