Atlantic Aurea hybrid heatpump controller

Herewith I share my implementation for the Atlantic Aurea hybride heatpump. Feedback and suggestions are welcome!

Atlantic Aurea is a hybride heatpump that switches between traditional gas a and heatpump heating. It comes with the Plugwise Smile Opentherm module and a Plugwise Anna thermostat. (see Aurea Hybride add-on - Atlantic Therefore, it can be integrated in Home Assistant using the Plugwise integration.

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to set it to gas or heatpump operation. I experimented with some parameters to influence this. I use an automation that manipulates the Anna thermostat between certain limits to ‘force’ the heatpump mode instead of gas where possible. As long as the outside temperature is higher than 4.5 degrees, it keeps the heatpump running when there is a heat request.

The Anna thermostat is only used to controll the Atlantic aurea, and is in my case located near the gas heater. Instead I use zwave radiator thermostats, so the user can set the temperature there, but couls also be done using a seperate wall thermostat that sets the input helper.

I use multiple temperature sensors in the house and an input_number helper that can be set to enter the desired temperature per room. finally I calculate the difference between de desired temperature and the measured average temperature. This is called the temperature_request.

front end for the users

Settings front end

Stuff for the nerd

Code below is my package (see Packages - Home Assistant) that defines both helpers and the automation.

it defines these entities:

entity description
input_number.heatpump_setpoint temperature that the controller wil set the Anna to in order to manipulate it
input_number.temperature_target desired home temperature
sensor.temperature_avg Average temperature for a room when multiple temperature sensors are used
sensor.temperature_req_generic ultimate heat request from all rooms
sensor.temperature_req calculated hear request (difference between measured and requested temperature)
sensor.heatpump_status indicator if the heatpump is in heatpump or hybrid mode
sensor.delta_water_heat actual amount of degrees the unit feeds into the house
sensor.delta_setpoint difference between actual Anna setpoint and anna temperature
sensor.heating_capacity Percesntage heating power used, for both gas or electric
sensor.heatpump_capacity percentage power used for heatpump only (based on electricity usage measurement)
binary_sensor.heatpump_active indicating if the heatpump is on

Note: the capacity of the heatpump is measured using a power plug meter the heatpump is connected to. (in my case sensor.heatpump_electric_consumption_w)

Additionally, it requires the following sensors:

sensor description
input_boolean.heatpump_force helper entity to enable or disabling the manipulation
sensor.smile_anna_outdoor_temperature provded by Plugwise Anna thermostat
sensor.opentherm_modulation_level provded through Plugwise Smile by you gas heater using OpenTherm
sensor.opentherm_water_temperature provded through Plugwise Smile by you gas heater using OpenTherm
sensor.opentherm_intended_boiler_temperature provded by Plugwise Smile
sensor.opentherm_return_temperature provded through Plugwise Smile by you gas heater using OpenTherm
binary_sensor.opentherm_tap_water provded through Plugwise Smile by you gas heater using OpenTherm
climate.anna provded by Plugwise Anna thermostat

The Package


# specific components are defined here

      name: doeltemperatuur warmtepomp
      icon: mdi:thermometer
      unit_of_measurement: '°C'
      min: -10
      max: 55
      mode: box

      name: Thermostaat doeltemperatuur
      min: 10
      max: 28
      step: 0.5
      mode: box
      unit_of_measurement: '°C'
      icon: mdi:home-thermometer-outline

  - unique_id: S9875243095876324
    name: temperature_avg
    platform: min_max
    type: median
    round_digits: 1
      - sensor.temperature_1 
      - sensor.temperature_2 
      - sensor.temperature_3 

  - unique_id: B003874B41197742D5AC2D1552F5630B0
    name: temperature_req_generic
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'
    platform: group
    type: max
      - sensor.temperature_req
   #  - sensor.temperature_req_living
   #  - sensor.temperature_req_office

    - unique_id: C09323445876
      - name: "temperature_req"
        icon: mdi:thermometer-plus
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
        state: >
          {%- set raw_req=(states("input_number.temperature_target") | float(0) - states("sensor.temperature_avg") | float(0)) | round(1)-%}
          {%- if raw_req > 0 -%}{{raw_req}}{%- else -%}0{%- endif -%}

    - sensor:
        unique_id: 01618CE9-A658-4140-87C5-7B597B9BC13C
        name: heatpump_status
        icon: mdi:heat-pump-outline
        state: >
          {% set current = this.state |default("", 1)%}
          {% if trigger.platform == 'state' or is not defined %}
            {{ current }}
          {% else %}
            {{ }}
          {% endif %}    
        - platform: event
          event_type: heatpump_status_value

    - sensor:
        unique_id: c127cd2a-3112-b574-32ab-92c6dd8a322a
        name: delta_water_heat
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
        state: >
            {% set delta= (states("sensor.opentherm_water_temperature") | float(0) - states("sensor.opentherm_return_temperature") | float(0)) | round(2) %}
            {%- if delta > 0-%}
              {%- if delta < 30-%}{{ delta }}
              {%- else -%} 30 {%- endif -%}
            {%- else -%} 0 {%- endif -%}

    - sensor:
        unique_id: c234ab1b-3112-b574-32ab-92c6aaba88311b
        name: delta_setpoint
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: '°C'
        state: >
          {{ (states("sensor.anna_setpoint") | float(0) - states("sensor.anna_temperature") | float(0)) | round(2) }}
    - sensor:
        unique_id: c321122a-127cd-b574-32ab-92c6dd8b113
        name: heating_capacity
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        state: >
          {% if states("sensor.opentherm_modulation_level") | float(0) > 0 %}
            {{ states("sensor.opentherm_modulation_level") | float(0) }}
          {%- else -%}
            {% set cap = (((states('sensor.heatpump_electric_consumption_w') | float(0) - 12 ) / 2500 ) * 100) | float(0) | round(1) %}
            {% if cap < 0 -%}{% set cap = 0 %}{%- endif %}{{ cap | float(0) }}
          {%- endif %}  

    - sensor:
        unique_id: A321122a-127cd-b574-32ab-92c6dd8b111
        name: heatpump_capacity
        unit_of_measurement: '%'
        state: >
            {% set cap = ((states('sensor.heatpump_electric_consumption_w') | float(0) - 12 ) / 25) | float(0) | round(1) %}
            {% if cap < 0 -%}{% set cap = 0 %}{%- endif %}{{ cap | float(0) }}

    - binary_sensor:
        unique_id: bb2bcf8e-692b-4cbe-b1ee-7c60a87b212
        name: heatpump_active
        icon: mdi:heat-pump-outline
        state: >
          {{ ((states('sensor.heatpump_electric_consumption_w') | float(0) - 12 ) / 25) | float(0) | round(0) > 10 }}

# actual magic happens here

  # -- Heatpump Controler --
  - id: '1663864767086'
    alias: Heatpump Controler
    mode: restart

      setpoint_max: 30
      water_temp_max: 52
      water_temp_delta_max: 8
    - platform: state
      - sensor.temperature_req_generic
      - sensor.opentherm_modulation_level
      - sensor.opentherm_intended_boiler_temperature
      - sensor.heatpump_capacity
      for: '00:00:10'

    # No heat request
    - if:
        - condition: template
          value_template: '{{ states("sensor.temperature_req_generic") |float(0) <= 0 }}'
          - condition: template
            value_template: '{{ states("input_number.heatpump_setpoint") |float(0) >= 0 }}'
          - service: input_number.set_value
              value: -1
              entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint

    # Heat request (Heatpump or Gas)

        - if:
            # Heatpump only mode (when outside temp > 4.5)
            - condition: state
              entity_id: input_boolean.heatpump_force
              state: 'on'
            - condition: template
              value_template: >-
                  states("sensor.smile_anna_outdoor_temperature") |float(0) > 4.5
            # Gas heating is on, try to stop it            
            - if:
                - condition: template
                  value_template: >
                      states("binary_sensor.opentherm_tap_water") == "off"
                      and states("sensor.opentherm_modulation_level") |float(0) > 0 
                      and states("sensor.opentherm_return_temperature") |float(0) > 35 
                - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint
                    value: -1

             # Heatpump control
                - if:
                    # throttle to 0 to keep heatpump active
                    - condition: template
                      value_template: >
                        {% set boiler_temp = states("sensor.opentherm_intended_boiler_temperature") | float(0) %}
                        {% set water_temp = states("sensor.opentherm_water_temperature") | float(0) %}
                        {% set heatpump_capacity = states("sensor.heatpump_capacity") | float(0) %}
                        {{ (boiler_temp - water_temp > water_temp_delta_max | float(0)) or (heatpump_capacity > 80) }}
                    - service: input_number.set_value
                        entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint
                        value:  0
                    - if:
                      # ease on when we have a large gap because it tends to switch to Gas
                      - condition: template
                        value_template: >
                          {{ (states("sensor.opentherm_intended_boiler_temperature") | float(0) - states("sensor.opentherm_water_temperature") | float(0)) | abs   > 4.5 }}
                        - service: input_number.set_value
                            entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint
                            value: 0.1

                      # nu issues, just set the setpoint for faster heating
                        - service: input_number.set_value
                            entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint
                            value: '{{ states("sensor.temperature_req_generic") |float(0)}}'

          # Don't care about the heatpump, just set the setpoint

            - service: input_number.set_value
                entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint
                value: '{{ states("sensor.temperature_req_generic") |float(0)}}'

    # Status update
    - event: heatpump_status_value
        value: >-
            {% if is_state("binary_sensor.heatpump_active", "on") %}
            {% elif states("sensor.heating_capacity") | int(0) > 0 %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
    # Max setpoint regulation
    - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ (state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) + states("input_number.heatpump_setpoint") |float(0)) 
          > setpoint_max |float(0) }}
      - service: input_number.set_value
          value: '{{ setpoint_max |float(0) - state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) }}'
          entity_id: input_number.heatpump_setpoint

    # Heatpump Controler: Apply Setpoint (if it is not set yet)
    - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ state_attr("climate.anna","temperature") |float(0) |round(1) != (state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) + states("input_number.heatpump_setpoint") |float(0)) |round(1) }}
      - service: climate.set_temperature
          temperature: '{{ state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) + states("input_number.heatpump_setpoint") |float(0) |round(1) }}'
          #target_temp_high: 30
          #target_temp_low: 10
          entity_id: climate.anna
      - service: logbook.log
          name: Verwarming
          message: >-
            TEMP SET ( {{ state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) + states("input_number.heatpump_setpoint") |float(0) |round(1) }}°C ->
            {{ state_attr("climate.anna","temperature") |float(0) }} / 
            {{ state_attr("climate.anna","current_temperature") |float(0) }}°C )
1 Like

Hi @pdwonline

I am one of the integration-owners of the Plugwise integration.
You write that some control is missing.
That could very well be true because we rely on other Plugwise device owners to provide us with information that will help use add more functionality.

If anything is missing in Home Assistant, but is available in the Plugwise App please let me know!

Thanks for that!
Although I do use the Plugwise integration, it is not missing anything. The issue is that Plugwise comes bundled with the Aurea. It is connected to the Aurea controller using OpenTherm. So it is not Plugwise causing limitations to the Aurea, but the Aurea controller itself.

There is no OpenTherm command to switch between gas or Heat-pump. So i figured out within what conditions the Aurea keeps running using Heat-pump and my script keeps it within that range. One thing cannot be controlled: the Aurea has a hardware temperature sensor. When it comes below 4.5 degrees Celsius, the Aurea controller will switch to gas. I tried fooling the Aurea controller with an external temperature, but was not successful with that so far. I simply not like others deciding for me if I should heat my home using electricity or gas. Although the Aurea was pretty cheap, I whish I had known this on beforehand, probably I would have decided to pay some extra for e heat-pump that still operates at -5 degrees

Ok, I understand what you want to achieve. And I read that you have created a multi-zone heating system with a single-room thermostat, nice job :slight_smile:

However, do you understand why at a temperatures below 4.5 degrees the system switches to heating from gas? At these temperatures the electrical consumption of the heatpump becomes so high that heating via gas is cheaper.

Let me decide myself what is cheaper; electricity from my solar panel or windmill or gas…


Thanks for this great initiative!
I recently bought this heat pump 2nd hand with the Plugwise Anna. The heat pump itself is nice and the control box looks old-fashioned but decently made. However, the software in that box is an absolute disaster. Really old fashioned (early zero’s tech) and nothing to adjust and no possibility to upgrade firmware (Atmel8L microcontroller are used).
So, very happy with your work and looking out to using it. However, I only can’t get it to work…
I have have the code as a yaml file and placed in a ‘packages’ sub folder of the config folder.
I also added ‘packages: !include_dir_named packages’ under home assistant in the config.yaml.
When I check the configuration it comes back as valid, however, I get also the error code:
Setup of package ‘heatpump_controler_automation’ failed: Integration ‘heatpump_controler_automation’ not found.

It is probably something simple I not to do, but I can’t find it out.

try : packages: !include_dir_merge_named packages

Thanks! I have been able to load the package. Now I am trying to adapt your situation for mine (e.g. power measurement, sensors etc.).

PS: You mentioned that you want to have control over the outside temperature where the heatpump stops. In this topic Basisregeling van de Aurea 5 hybrid add-on - Duurzame energie en installaties - GoT. It’s in Dutch, but that’s no problem for you I think :wink:
People have been manipulating the outside sensor on the heatpump in various ways.