Atom echo error in esphome

sorry it wouldnt fit in here and wouldnt let me post the log so i used pastebin. it said something about a kill signal.

so the first part of the logs are from my atom echo and i dont know why it isnt working. ive tried reinstalling. what am i supposed to do?

What machine are you running esphome on?

So I held the reset button and then reinstalled it by directly plugging it into the server and then updated it and it works but it didn’t require an API line to add it for some reason. Idk. It works now but the audio crackles and doesn’t work right. It’ll respond to a command slowly like it’s lagging. And then my home assistant will restart usually.

Oh sorry an atom echo I bought it from the home assistant 13$ voice assistant page on here. I just tried to update it and it failed.

Idk man it’s a cool feature but it’s not quite there yet.

Man you were told what to do. “Try again in esphome dashboard”. Did you?

What computer are you running esphome dashboard on? (I want asking about the esp device).

I tried esphome dashboard in home assistant which didn’t work and I had to manually install it on a laptop.

I eventually did with my laptop.

This looked like a failure due to resources. Probably RAM. That’s why I asked. You still didn’t tell us, so it will remain a mystery. Glad you solved it though.

Oh just some Samsung laptop. And the device is the standard odroid n2+

What ram does the odroid have?