Atom Echo works for a while after restart, but then stops responding

My experiment with Voice Assistant has come to an impass. After a restart, it works great for a command or two, recognising my custom wake word (“Hey, Casper”) and doing what I ask (e.g., running my sentence-triggered automations), but stops after awhile (an hour or so). No amount of yelling gets it to turn blue until I restart again. The kids and spouse are starting to make fun of me and my attempts to get that @£$%@ white box to turn blue…

What do you all suggest I try to narrow down the issue, so I can regain my dignity and stop yelling cartoon characters at the living room wall?

Background: I use a container-based install. The relevant section of my docker-compose.yml looks like the following, and it’s composed with Home Assistant and Node Red. I just recently added --debug, which does not appear to do much.

    container_name: openwakeword
    image: rhasspy/wyoming-openwakeword
    network_mode: host
      - /media/homeassistant/home_assistant/openwakeword/custom:/custom
      - /media/homeassistant/home_assistant/openwakeword/config:/config
      - /media/homeassistant/home_assistant/openwakeword/data:/data
      TZ: "Europe/London"
      - homeassistant
      - 10400:10400
      - 10400:10400/udp
    command: --debug --preload-model 'ok_nabu' --custom-model-dir /custom
    restart: unless-stopped
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I have this issue intermittently as well, is there a way to automate waking it up periodically?