Atomberg Fan Integration for Home Assistant!

Hey Home Assistant Community,

I’m pleased to introduce a custom integration for the latest series of Atomberg fans, designed to seamlessly integrate them into your Home Assistant setup. This integration allows you to control your Atomberg fans directly from your Home Assistant dashboard, enhancing convenience and automation in your smart home.

Check it out here: GitHub - dasshubham762/atomberg-integration: Home Assistant integration for Atomberg Fans.


This works flawlessly with my Atomberg Aris fans. Thanks a lot.


Hey thanks for the integration, works very well with my Atomberg Renesa Smart Fan…

Can we expect a local control without connecting with cloud?


Thanks for your comment. I’ll try to get local control working.

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Thank you so much. It worked.

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can it work locally? without internet?

It does not work without internet.

I have an atomberg fan with the IR remote. Got it integrated to home assistant using ESPHome (Wemos D1 mini with KY-005 IR TRansmitter). Works locally

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so did you flash it or how did it work?

  • not sure if my model has an integrated esp32 inside the fan
  • I merely created an ir transmitter using d1 mini with IR transmitter with esphome flashed on to it
  • in principle it works as a IR remote that can be controlled from home assistant
  • I decided the ir signals for this fan from the remote and used them in esphome config to send these to the fan

Hope this helps

i installed atomberg home assistant integration but right now it shows all fans as offline.

Need help

Hey really loved the whole integration… just started using HA for the first time yesterday. Trying my hands on it…

Just wanted to understand that is there any way to get speed of the fans enabled in the fans and the control for the same through HA…

This HA integration was working flawlessly since the past 4-5 months but today I’m getting an error “Entity fan.fan_1 does not support action fan.turn_on.” when pressing the toggle button.

Fan speed can be controlled with the slider.
LED can be turned on/off with button.

I have re-installed the integration with fresh credentials, but same issue.

What am I doing wrong?

I’m having this issue with my tuya fans too. My hunter fan works fine. I’m pretty sure the last Home Assistant update broke this. Now that I see a user with the identical issue with a different integration, I’m inclined to stand by that. Still looking for more info, this is just the first post I came across confirming the issue.

got an explanation as to what’s going on: New entity feature flags in FanEntity | Home Assistant Developer Docs

I’m having the same issue with Tuya fans. Reading this doc, I’m not sure how we are meant to fix the problem? Has anyone worked this out yet?

After a bit or trial and error, I have fixed this issue on my install. For context I has ceiling fans connected through LocalTuya that were getting an error when trying to turn them on. All other features were working if I manually turned them on.

Modify file custom_components/localtuya/

Step 1
Add code to “class LocaltuyaFan”

# Set the supported features to include TURN_ON and TURN_OFF
self._attr_supported_features = FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF
# Disable backwards compatibility for turn_on/turn_off
self._enable_turn_on_off_backwards_compatibility = False

Step 2
update the supported_features
features = 0

features = FanEntityFeature.TURN_ON | FanEntityFeature.TURN_OFF

No idea if this will work other situations, but thought I would share.

thanks @ dasshubham762 the integration update has fixed this issue.

worked perfectly, thank you so much!