Thanks, I’ll take a look at that page again.
The last part of my post is the output when I try to compile the yaml. It fails to compile and program due to an error with the assignment of gpio for the RGB LED.
Thought I would put in my vote of sorts here. Just so someone with the right skills knows others are interested.
I’m really looking forward to ESPHome working on the AtomS3. I am hoping the BT5 implementation on it will give better BT signal strength than the plane esp32 boards I have used so far. Hopefully closer to a Raspberry pi 4 with its bluetooth 5 experience.
I just got my s3 devices and was able to configure the bluetooth proxy and plug in illuminance sensor using this config. I haven’t tried to setup the light and onboard button yet. Hope this helps someone else along the way…
I managed to get my AtomS3 devices working with Bluetooth proxy. All good so far. I would say that Bluetooth performance is not as good as some larger esp32 I’ve used. I occasionally see my temperature sensor data become ‘Unavailable’.
I managed to get the onboard button working.
I did quite a bit of investigation on the RGB LED and it seems that fasted is not supported for S3 yet.
Thank you for the code. Helped me get going instantly. Airthings Wave+ was detected seconds after the Atom came online. Truly amazing that it was that easy considering that M5stack doesn’t even mention that the AtomS3 Lite even has Bluetooth. Next, I would like to get the LED working if only to know the unit is on. Thinking that it would be nicefeedback to turn the LED Green from HA that way I would know that it is connected and the Airthings Wave+ is up and sitting out data. Thanks -Dave
this post has been very helpful. I ended up with an M5AtomS3U with the usb A connection as that was all i could get in a reasonable amount of shipping time. After countless issues trying to flash any of the yaml code found here i ended up realizing that the web installer wouldnt see past the jtag programmer when using chrome or edge through a windows machine. I ended up having to plug the thing directly into my HAOS server. It worked to program it initially, but apparently it fails to update OTA. so eveytime i make a change i have to bring it back to the server for programming. anyone else had this issue with any of their m5 devices or is this unique to this specific product.
I am tring to use the Atom S3 Lite with a 4 channel relay. I have loaded the above code and that works well, but when trying to include a I2C portion to talk to the relay not allowing me to use GPIO 21 &22. Says GPIO22 is not valid.
Any ideas on how to use the grove Atom 4 channel relay?