Attach a Nest still to a tweet


I’m trying to combine a twitter notification with a still image from nest camera, or other webcam.

I’m guessing this will require using the templating feature but I haven’t been able to find an example, and I don’t know where to start.

here is my automation that i want to add it to:

- alias: 'Stranger approches'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door_sensor_47_0
      from: 'off'
      to: 'on'
    - service: notify.tweeting
        message: "A Stranger approches {{ now() }}" **I'd like to add a nest photo to this tweet**
    - service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity_id: script.timed_entry

Thanks for any help you can offer, or direction you can point me

Did you finally get the still image from your nest cam ?! If so, I would be interested to know how…

Thanks !

Haven’t figured it out yet, still on my list of things I want to do though


with 0.65.they included nest and now it´s easy to get your still image and show it up in your groups.

But I still try to get the image in a notification. I´m not sure if this is supported. There is now still image link to the Nest cam. It´s just updated when motion is detected.

do you have any idea?

greets from vienna MARTIN