Attempting to use the new Google Generative AI Conversation: Generate content service

When trying to use I get an access error. Although other integrations have access to this path. I have other integrations that are able to access this path. What am Imissing or should try? I tried allowlist_external_dirs and added ‘/config/www/’

Failed to call service google_generative_ai_conversation.generate_content. Cannot read /local/www/dog.png, no access to path; allowlist_external_dirs may need to be adjusted in `configuration.yaml

Update: I added the dir path as a media_dirs: entry to configuration.yaml and it worked.

The content must be web accessible.
Local network content likely won’t work

Did you see my update?

I don’t think that was necessary. I think the path should be

/config/www = /local on an external-facing URL as I understand it.