Attributes not matching in trigger state_change


I am using Home Asistant and am pretty new to Node Red. Easiest thing, I thougth to start with, will be a trigger-state on device_tracker. with a condition. But I won’t, as you can see in the error messages.

What did I try?
If the attribute is_guest of any entity with the substring device_tracker changed to true, do something.

Regarding the debugger, the condition can not find the entity and data:

Here is my flow:

      "label":"Flow 4",
      "name":"Home Assistant",

Altering the data property to data.event.new_state.attributes.is_guest also did not work

Any ideas on that?

first maybe it doesn’t like the “.” in but might not be the case.
for the constraints the correct syntax should be “new_state.attributes.XXX” so drop the “data.event.”

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Oh my gosh… Just discovered, that there is an autocompletion! :joy: