AU region (NZ) smart light switches


I’m after some light switches that are currently available that can be flashed to work with hass - I have a self-hosted hassos VM running on Proxmox on which I am currently running Frigate, but I’d like to get my “automate” on.

I’ve had a look at this fairly comprehensive list here: Wall Switches and Dimmers - Templates for Tasmota

Unfortunately, almost all of the switches (other than the Deta 2-Gang switch) don’t appear to be flashable since 2020 on.

Just wondering if there are any switches people out there are using (preferably certified for use in AU - I’m from NZ so something I can get from Bunnings would be the dream) that are not on this list?

Edit: Could someone please let me know how to drop to a OS shell in the hassos VM after logging on as root. I’d like to get in there and set up SNMP monitoring so I can monitor cpu usage / disk space etc plus install qemu-guest-agent as well to aid in graceful shutdowns/startups/stuns for snapshots/ mount my NAS as a CIFS share etc


Depending on whether you are open to manual flashing, the Deta (bunnings) switches are quite easy to flash on a bench. I’ve not bothered checking if OTA is even viable anymore as I understand its largely not.

There’s enough guides on it so I wont repeat it.

Hi @callifo - yes I am definitely open to bench flashing. Just did some research on this, looks like all Deta Grid Connect can be flashed in this way. As a beginner to this space though could I ask you to recommend a good guide that runs through all the bits & pieces to it? It looks like I’ll need a USB to serial and and some soldering skills.

Some light reading for you :rofl:


I don’t think soldering is necessary, I’ve been doing mine without modifying the boards.

I used this as a base, what that shows has worked well enough for me.

However some switches differ which ones are +5V and GND on the headers that connect to the switch so you need to check that with a multi-meter. I power up the whole board with a 5V PSU (board has a 3.3V PSU for the ESP chip, dont use 5V on that directly), and then have been using some bent header pins and bluetack to hold them in place.

The bluetack can be a bit hit and miss, so might take a few goes, however the next batch I am going to try and see if these are better:

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Those pogo clips look excellent. Ordered.

Well I’ve been looking for an excuse to spring on a proper temp controlled soldering/hot air station so I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that! Just working on sourcing a USB to serial, then I’ll give it a whirl! I’ve got the Deta 2 gang here which supposedly be flashed the air but I’ll crack it open just to get some experience with this stuff.

I got mine at Altronics if you want something possibly local.

Also in NZ and have used the deta switches and flashed ota with no issues once you have a setup rpi. Although last bought over a year ago so may have changed.
I also have some cheaper Aliexpress switches which I am slowly replacing now that affordable compliant ones are available here.

Edit. From above link looks like ota may not work anymore which is annoying

Somewhere in that thread is a link to a great list of compliant devices… In the meantime this is a good source of ha devices. You can filter for AU devices but be warned that sometimes that just means will work in NZ/ AU.
“Tasmota Device Templates Repository - Templates for Tasmota”

Good Sonoff programming adapter
If you want a jig that fits the ESP8266 TYWE3S package then this works TYWE3S Pogo Pin Programming Adapter by Stephenlofgren - Thingiverse just need a 3D printer.

I actually ended up buying a whole bunch of Deta Grid connect 1,2,3 gang switches and reprogrammed them myeslf with Tasmota using a locally bought USB 3.3V 5.5V to TTL Serial Adapter Module. The only issue I had was I had to swap my RX and TX pins around or else it wouldn’t work.

Time consuming, but fairly straightforward to do.


Sonoff zbmini - L?

Does it have nz/au certification?