Does anyone use HA automation to completely control the charging of their Audi EV?
I use the Audi Connect third party integration but it doesn’t expose setting of the car target charging level. I’m thinking of trying to get around this by:
setting the charging level in the car to 100%
creating a setting for desired charge level
using automation to:
a) start the car charging when the unit price of electricty goes below a certain level (Octopus Agile tariff) by setting the Zappi charging mode to Fast - I already have this set up and working well
b) stop the car charging when it reaches the desired charge level by setting the Zappi charging mode back to Eco+
You option 3 can be done by the audiconnect.execute_vehicle_action
Option 1 and 2 are not possible with the current integration. The current integration is not maintained anymore
I would like this feature as well
As an ‘old’ visual basic programmer I want to learn Python for over a year now, but can’t find the time/motivation. I would like to take over the Audi Connect Project, but as a Python beginner this will not be easy.
Ah, thank you. I did read the docs but missed that. I have to set the charger mode anyway from Eco+ to Fast in order for it to use AC power so will leave step 3 as is. Will try steps 1 and 2 and see how it goes.