Audio Cabinet Fan Automation

I have installed some fans in my audio cabinet.
They are plugged into a smart plug.
I have built a esp8266 with a bme280 (Temp, Humidity, Pressure sensor) to monitor the interior heat. It also has a small oled screen displaying the temperature.
The sensor was created in esphome.

I wrote an automation to turn the plug on/off which would turn the fans on/off if the temperature goes above/below a certain point.
My problem is that the automation does not “seem” to trigger.
The numbers in the example below are not the ones I intend on using.

What do I have wrong.

- id: "12378456"
  alias: Turn Fan On
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.audio_cabinet
    above: "105"
    service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.plug_audio_cabinet

- id: "123784589"
  alias: Turn Fan Off
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.audio_cabinet
    below: "95"
    service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.plug_audio_cabinet

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I would guess your are triggering off the wrong value

Being it is multisensor are you sure you not need to template the entity bringer the individual value?

Look in the developer tools and check your entity is shown as individual value for each sensor vs single entity reporting multiple values

I would do what @tmjpugh said double check the states pages.

also what i did with my AV audio cabinet made turn it into a climate control

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: "KODI Fan"
  heater: switch.kodi_fan
  target_sensor: sensor.kodi_temperature
  min_temp: 20
  max_temp: 45
  target_temp: 22.8
  cold_tolerance: .5
  hot_tolerance: .5
  initial_hvac_mode: "cool"

@tmjpugh Is what you are saying that I need to create a template for the bme sensor to get the temperature value.
If so I will give it a try today.

Yes. I believe some template is needed since I expect the sensor report three value together in a single entity. You must tell it which value you want to compare against.

@myle As a point of reference at what temp point does it turn on and off 20C and 45C?

@tmjpugh Got it solved.
Templates were the problem.
Thank you for the help.