Audio Pro MkII devices supportedby LinkPlay?

Anyone successfully connected some of Audio Pros latest MkII releases? Got a C10 MkII but LinkPlay addon cannot connect.
Failed communicating with LinkPlayDevice (httpapi) ‘Audio Pro A10’: <class ‘aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError’>

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I have had the same issue with the C5 MkII and the Link2. I’ve tried wiresharking it theres a bunch of uPNP stuff but theres a bunch of TLS traffic. I’m not really sure whats going on, but the http api that the LinkPlay addon doesnt seem to be there. Its rather frustrating.

I have a few C10 mkii and I would love for this thread to live and for the home assistant connection to work with audio pro mkii.

So I’ve had a very limited breakthrough.
At least one of my mkii devices exposes a TCP interface on 8899, which seems to mostly match the arylic interface (makes sense as its using the same underlying hardware), ive managed to change volume, input and get info by sending bytestrings via netcat: (eg echo -e '\x18\x96\x18\x20\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xc1\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4d\x43\x55\x2b\x56\x4f\x4c\x2b\x30\x35\x30' | nc *my-device-ip* 8899)

There are docs here: Arylic Audio TCP API Interface and ARYLiC TCP API.pdf - Google Drive

Someone has worked on a project which bridges this api to mqtt:

I’ve yet to see if this works for audiopro kit however, as it is early days and this tool requires unauthenticated mqtt. But I intend to give it a play in a few days.

I realise this is far from a solution, but documenting work all the same. At the very least proving one device is controllable via an API is a good first step to proving it could eventually be integrated into hass…

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Thank you for trying, keep on keeping on. I will be lurking.

Did anyone ever successfully integrated one of the newer audio pro models into HA?

I recently got an audio pro c20 speaker and I am out of ideas how to automate changing the input. No integration is able to work with it, there is no web interface and all http attempts failed