August doorbell motion sensor doesn't set OFF (clear) status automatically

Hi everyone,
a few days ago I bought an August doorbell (1st gen) and integrated it to HA.

It contains such entities:

My goal is to send a screenshot to Telegram chat with every motion triggering.
Every time when motion is detected August integration loads the last camera snapshot from the August server to HA.

The august camera platform allows you to view the latest camera image (triggered by motion) by your August device in Home Assistant.

The problem is that motion status is set to ON for about 1 hour after each detection. So it doesn’t work as expected.

If reload HA or set the motion status OFF manually via States page everything works well:
the new image is loaded from August server and it sends a notification with the latest image.
When the motion status is ON it doesn’t load the image from the external server and doesn’t send anything but it shows the motion detected warning with a video in the August application.


Also, it works in the same way for doorbell binary_sensor.doorbell_ding

- id: 'doorbell_motion_detected'
  alias: Doorbell Motion Detected
  - platform: state  
    entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_motion
    to: 'on'
  - data:
      message: 🧍️ Motion has been detected near the Front Door
    service: notify.telegram_2
  - data:
      entity_id: camera.doorbell_camera
      filename: /tmp/snapshot1.jpg
    service: camera.snapshot  
  - service: notify.telegram_2
        title: Doorbell image
        message: "Doorbell image"
            - file: /tmp/snapshot1.jpg
              caption: Doorbell

As a workaround I used a python script from this topic:

    - id: 'doorbell_motion_set_off'
      alias: "Doorbell set motion status to OFF"
        platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_motion
        to: 'on'
        - delay: '00:00:10'
        - service: python_script.set_state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_motion
            state: 'off'   

Now it seems working as it should work

Another problem is that it sets binary_sensor.doorbell_ding state = on only after the call is finished.
It’s about 30 seconds after pressing the button if don’t answer OR after the voice call is finished by the owner.

Also, it doesn’t send motion event to HA immediately (delay in my case is about 12 seconds) so if start calling it will not update the snapshot image and will send the motion event only when the call is finished

But it seems August server response issue.

Maybe see if there is or file a bug report