August lock - Error: Too Many Requests

It’s not the update. I am still on the 104.3 and the errors are there. This was on the August lock side limiting the requests not the 105 update.


Ok but my lock worked in HA before the update, so I would guess it´s a combination of things. Hope it will sorted out soon :slight_smile:

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Definitely a combination. I just restarted mine as a test which isn’t updated and now it says unavailable. Ah the joys of cloud hosted servers/APIs…

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+1 here on the Too Many Requests
Only started happening after I updated to 105

Are you running multiple locks or just one? I’ve got 3 and this only started today and I’m running 0.104.3, haven’t updated HA since January 17th.

Just 1 here on 104.3.

Here is what I did to get a temporary solution working (source is provided by github user @bdraco):

I have Home Assistant installed in a linux docker so YMMV.

  1. pip uninstall py-august
  2. git clone
  3. Copy august folder in step 2 to custom_components folder in your Home Assistant configs.
  4. git clone
  5. Navigate to where you cloned repo in step 4.
  6. git checkout origin/handle_429
  7. pip install .
  8. Restart

This sucks. I too am getting this. No matter how many times I delete the august.conf file and put in the password in the configurator. I keep getting the error.

I too have had this issue. I encourage people to call of email August to express our concerns regarding their API.

I believe this is an august API issue and not a home assistant issue

Same here since yesterday. Thanks for these instructions. Not sure how i can follow these steps on a docker setup? Complete docker noob here…

I’m also a new HAS user so if these updates typically hit the main build within a week or so I’m good with waiting…


Same thing here. Started on 0.104.3 and persisted after update to 0.105. This is on August’s side not related to 0.105.

Could be a two part issue on both sides.

August is probably limiting their API hits since it could be flooded by calls by third party integrations such as Home Assistant. So probably all the API hits are costing them extra $, so they likely adjusted their limit.

Try running the following to list all your docker container IDs:
sudo docker ps

then, you can run the following to attach to the docker container (you want the container ID of home assistant (i.e. homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.105.1))
sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> bash

once you are in, try running the following to see if py-august is installed (if it is, you have the right container):
pip list | grep py-august

It should list the current version you are on (likely 0.7.0)

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Same here. pip list returns what you guessed: py-august 0.7.0
This also happened after the update to 105.1.

Yep, refer to above post (#26) for temporary solution

Thanks, I am trying the solution but unfortunately the handle_429 does not exist in the repo (

bash-5.0# git clone
Cloning into ‘handle_429’…
fatal: repository ‘’ not found

EDIT: never-mind, was able to get it from the browser and copy it. Got the right pull request I guess (HEAD is now at f434de6 tweak timing)

Unfortunately, now this is not starting properly: Setup failed for august: Unable to import component: No module named ‘august.api’

Can u do a pip list and see if py-august is installed.

This is what I have now:

bash-5.0# pip list | grep py-august
py-august 0.7.0

The full log is:

2020-02-06 21:24:40 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for august which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
2020-02-06 21:24:44 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for august: Unable to import component: No module named ‘august.api’

Running with docker on swarm, btw.

fyi, you have fo manually download the handle_429 file from git, then copy it somewhere, and the command you need is 'pip install /config/custom_components/py-august-handle_429\

that will get it installed. It took me about an hour to figure all this out. The directions above were sufficient enough to get me started, but didnt quite get me there. Figured I’d hopefully save some of you other August users a few minutes.