August lock - Error: Too Many Requests

It’s a different way, but the way I explained works. You have to CD into the directory of to run “pip install .” Maybe I should have been more clear

yes, this is what I did, and the install script ran properly

And I can confirm this works for me. A few of the steps were different for me though, so if that doesn’t work for you either, try this:

  1. pip uninstall py-august
  2. cd /config/customcomponents
  3. git clone
  4. download`, extract it, and copy it to your config/custom_components/ directory
  5. pip install /config/custom_components/py-august-handle_429
  6. Restart

gotcha, thanks man! You got me started on the right track to the point i was able to figure it out. I posted below to clarify start to finish what fixed mine. Guys like you are a god send to this community because I had 0 idea on what to do lol. Thanks a million!

After a retry of the install script, got now:

bash-5.0# pip list | grep py-august
py-august 0.8.1

But still not happy after rebooting the server.

Thu Feb 06 2020 21:38:19 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Component error: august - No module named ‘august.api’

Will now try to restart the container and retry the steps.

I killed my container and re-spawned it, go through the steps carefully. Still no luck

Setup failed for august: Unable to import component: No module named ‘august.api’

Most likely August changed the API structure without notice.

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Can you confirm that if you remove the custom_components/august that it reverts back?

another one bites the dust…?

I have 2 locks and same issues here.

@kerpal Yes I can confirm that. Removing custom components and rebooting reverts back to previous error message from August. I have tried to extract in a subdirectory of custom_components instead of subfolder of /config as suggested by @Justin_Snyder but that does not make any difference. I am not sure why so I guess I will have to wait for the official component to be upgraded

Correct me if I’m wrong but for those of you out there with the above fix will not work. is locked down and you won’t be able to install python.

For those of us with that setup we’ll need to sit tight and wait for an official fix or a HACS addon at the very least.

I am glad that this fix to the august component seems to be working (from the replies of those who have installed it) so hopefully an official fix is merged into soon.

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You’re correct. The PIP commands don’t work in Assistant Core. Luckily it looks like There is a PR in place and Balloob is looking at it with BDraco here to get it merged.

There is a way to access the pip commands with
You used to be able to run the “login” command to access a root shell, but that is now protected by a password.

To access a root shell, you can install the Portainer Addon and use it to access a shell in the HomeAssistant container. This may not be worthwhile, because the next time there is an update, all your changed will be overwritten and you’ll have to start from scratch. Better to wait for the fix.


I have the same issue.

Need a fix.

Just a heads up for everyone. Got a response from August

Thanks for reaching out! HomeAssistant is not an official partner of August and is therefore not supported. For a consistent and supported user experience, we encourage you to only use supported partners. For a list of officially supported partners, please see this page: August Smart Lock Integrations | What Works With August?
Thank you,
Team August

Unfortunate. I think everyone affected here should send an email to August support. If they know how many users are here, they may change their tune.


Man, is this ever disappointing!

I’ve been using a Yale x August lock for about six months now without a problem, then August decides to just cut off their API.

Fortunately I’ve just purchased a Z-wave module for the Yale lock so I can put August behind me. Sadly I don’t think that’s possible with many of the other August locks out there.

There is already a proposed fix merged into the main branch so I think this issue is temporary.

Another option for a fix that worked for me: (Its a little hacky but it works) I disabled the August integration and then just linked my August account with Wink and then setup the Wink integration. I’ve had plenty of problems with the August integration randomly showing the lock unlocked for a minute or so every 20mins. Wink seems to be working more stable for me. I’m not very happy I have to now rely on 2 cloud services to operate a $150 lock. Alas, the purchase was made before I discovered HA. I have since been slowly converting to Zwave.

I was struggling with this problem and then I had the idea to add my lock into my Smartthings system and now it works just fine. It may not be a solution for everybody, but it worked for me!