August Lock Gen4 + HomeKit

Hi, May I know the distance between your HA bluetooth dongle and August lock?
August said the bluetooth connector should within 15ft. But it is not available for me. I plan to try HomeKit with a HomePod mini. If the connection is not stable, I may get a bluetooth dongle. But my HA hardware is around 25-30 ft.

If you want to pair your lock directly with HASS you need a BT dongle of some sort. If you pair the lock directly with a HomePod then HASS isn’t involved at all.

If your HA is more than double the recommended distance away, then don’t try it. Add another Bluetooth adaptor either on a long extension cable or try the USB over IP option if you can get that to work. I haven’t used USB over IP so not sure how to set that up.
August locks do not work with ESPHome BLE Proxy at this stage . There is an open issue with ESPHome about this.

August Locks will not be reliable even at the stated maximum distance from August. They need to be quite close. If it’s more than 6 to 8 feet, you will have reliability issues in most cases.

With dev HA 2022.12.x and dev esphome 2022.12.x + (this fix which is not yet merged Detect BLE stack unrecoverable state by bdraco · Pull Request #4128 · esphome/esphome · GitHub), I moved my production setup to use the esphome BLE proxies running on Olimex ESP32 Power-over-Ethernet ISO with the locks an everything is working well.

HA 2022.12.x is scheduled to be released on Dec 7th with the esphome update coming in ~1 week later.

Does it mean, I can use a BLE Proxy with August 4?

Yes it does

Quick question: I’m using:
Supervisor 2022.11.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221208.0
ESPHome 2022.12.0b3 (on an ESP32 DevKitC v4)

Should the Yale ASL-06 work via the homekit integration?! Because for me it doesn’t. It does however now work with the Yale Access Bluetooth integration flawlessly.

With homekit it does connect, and show the state, but it won’t allow me to control the lock. If I try to, this error (at the bottom of the screenshot) pops up.
The first sentence in English is something like “Error while calling the service lock/unlock.” followed by the MAC address and “PDU status was not success: Insufficient authorization (3)”

Sounds like this is still the case:

Yale Access Integration will work with the lock, and the HomeKit one won’t since we don’t have the manufacturer specific authorization data in HomeKit

Oh, well - we can’t have everything I guess. :sweat_smile:

The only reason why I would prefer homekit is, because I like to avoid the cloud as much as possible.
Also, afaik, only using homekit the lock would have the ability to broadcast manual state changes of the lock automatically - I now have a small automation that uses homeassistant.update_entity, when I open/close the door which also works well enough :wink:

To be clear, the Yale Access Integration is local-only via Bluetooth. And for me it updates immediately when I manually lock/unlock the door.

yes of course - but you need the August integration to receive the offline Key (there are other options, but they are very hacky and not realistic)

Question to the group because I know basically nothing about ESPHome. It looks like you might need to be running Supervisor in order to use it. Is this correct? My HA installation is in a Docker container, and I do not have Supervisor. Can I still use ESPHome?

You can use ESPHome with all install types

If you flash now be sure to flash again with 2022.12.0b5 as it will be much faster with these locks

If you flashed your ESPHome proxy before 7:00AM UTC on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, please flash again as it should improve the connection times.

I haven’t flashed my esphome proxy because I am waiting the order. May I know the delay of your connection? Currently, my homekit works with 5-8 secs delay. (If I disable auto-unlock, it has some improvement)
BTW, are you using August build in auto-unlock?



So they cannot be used together? How about auto lock? Did you use node red or the built-in one?

I use the built-in auto lock

You can use the built-in auto unlock, I just don’t do it

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Thanks for the information

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