August Lock Gen4 + HomeKit

OTA should be fine unless the partition table changes again.

You can import it into the ESPHome Addon dashboard

2022.2.x might improve the latency a bit more via Bump aioesphomeapi to 13.0.3 by bdraco · Pull Request #85356 · home-assistant/core · GitHub and Bump esp-idf to 3.4.3 via platformio/espressif32 @ 5.3.0 by bdraco · Pull Request #4254 · esphome/esphome · GitHub

Ah, ok. I am running container so I don’t think I have an easy way of incorporating the ESPHome Addon dashboard, right?

@bdraco I upgraded to Home Assistant 2023.1.7 tonight, and was given this warning, telling me to upgrade to ESPHome 2022.12.4:

So I went to the ESPHome Bluetooth Proxies page to upgrade, but apparently ESPHome 2022.12.3 is still the newest version available:

This leads to a couple of questions:

  • Should we expect the ESPHome Bluetooth Proxies page to typically lag behind what HA is expecting?
  • For those of us using container, is there an easy way of incorporating the ESPHome Add on dashboard, or at least some over the air upgrade? It would be great if we could upgrade directly from HA!

You need to update the esphome addon

Right, but I am running HA container, not supervisor or OS.

Looks like the images need to be rebuilt manually on GitHub - esphome/bluetooth-proxies: This repo hosts known, tested devices that can serve as Bluetooth proxies for Home Assistant.

I’ve alerted the right people.

The firmware on the proxy site should now be up to date.

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@bdraco I am running HA container, but just created an ESPHome docker container. This is all new to me. It found my two M5 Atom devices. If I click ADOPT, will it overwrite the firmware I have installed for HA? Or will it just work congruently with HA and I can update to the latest firmware as it is released?

In theory it should use the latest config from the esphome site when you adopt and reflash, but I’ve never personally done it.

I figured I had nothing to lose, so I adopted them. It reflashed to the same version. Everything is working correctly in HA. So I guess I am good now, and I’ll be able to do over the air updates. Thanks for your help answering all of my annoying questions! :slight_smile:

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Is there a Raspberry Pi bluetooth proxy (i.e. a separate rpi from the one that runs HA) that uses the built-in rpi bluetooth, or do I have to use an ESP option (or a BT dongle on the rpi)?