August SmartLock Pro 3rd Gen:"Request error trying to retrieve door status..."

Running Hassbian 0.93.2 and RaspberryPi with Aeotec Zwave Stick. I am NOT using the August Connect bridge. I seemingly successfully included the lock on Zwave (the august app says it’s on a wave network). And I’ve successfully received a verification code and configured it. I now have a binary sensor (for the DoorSense) and a lock available in my States. But the states for the lock and the sensor show as “unavailable” and I get the following error message:

2019-05-28 14:18:42 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.components.august] Request error trying to retrieve door status for Front Door. 409 Client Error: Conflict for url: KIND OF API KEY?)/status

I have tried deleting the .august.conf and entered a new verification code, but this had no effect. I noted that during the initial install, August in opportunistically did a firmware update while I was trying to do zwave inclusion. Any ideas how to fix this?

Oh, and the message returned by the URL is:

{“code”:“MissingParameter”,“message”:“x-august-api-key header is required”}

If you are connecting the August Smart Lock Pro to Home Assistant via Z-Wave, then you should not be using the August component. That component is for the August Connect bridge. Your error logs look like you’re trying to use the August component. You have to add the lock using the Z-Wave configuration in Home Assistant.

I said in your other thread that you need to generate a network key to your z-wave configuration in configuration.yaml and options.xml. The network key is mentioned in the Z-Wave HA documentation, take a look through that and do some searches on the forum to find your answer. It’s complicated but not impossible.