Running Hassbian 0.93.2 and RaspberryPi with Aeotec Zwave Stick. I am NOT using the August Connect bridge. I seemingly successfully included the lock on Zwave (the august app says it’s on a wave network). And I’ve successfully received a verification code and configured it. I now have a binary sensor (for the DoorSense) and a lock available in my States. But the states for the lock and the sensor show as “unavailable” and I get the following error message:
2019-05-28 14:18:42 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.components.august] Request error trying to retrieve door status for Front Door. 409 Client Error: Conflict for url: KIND OF API KEY?)/status
I have tried deleting the .august.conf and entered a new verification code, but this had no effect. I noted that during the initial install, August in opportunistically did a firmware update while I was trying to do zwave inclusion. Any ideas how to fix this?