So I’m sure this is not big deal to many of you but I have been fighting with this to get it just right for a while. Only about 2 weeks into working with HA.
But I was able to get it to when the door operator changes while the door is unlocked, say Welcome Home and only pull in their first name. And if my wife unlocks the door, since she used a nickname it will sat her actual name.
I’m sure there is a better way to write this out, but like I said, I’m new and it works.
- id: '1621462099883'
alias: Welcome Home
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.main_door_operator
- condition: time
after: '8:00'
before: '22:00'
- condition: device
device_id: 6c652e113de5451aa323129d81b3b211
domain: lock
entity_id: lock.main_door
type: is_unlocked
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ not is_state(''sensor.main_door_operator'', ''Manual Lock'')
and not is_state(''sensor.main_door_operator'', ''Manual Unlock'') and not is_state(''sensor.main_door_operator'',
''Auto Relock'') and not is_state(''sensor.main_door_operator'', ''One-Touch
Lock'') }}'
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: media_player.welcome_home
message: >
{% if states('sensor.main_door_operator') == 'XXXXXX' %}
Welcome home YYYYYYYY
{% else %}
Welcome home {{states.sensor.main_door_operator.state.split(' ')[0]}}
{% endif %}
mode: single