Tasmota sends TOGGLE command each time the state of the circuit changes (closing or opening).
SwitchMode 1
Set switch to follow mode (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
At the time when the circuit is closed, Tasmota will send ON and opening the circuit sends OFF .
You want to use SwitchMode 1 when connecting a toggle switch (e.g. a classic light switch) to your device. This way the “software switch” will mirror the state of the “hardware switch”. If the real switch is in the “ON” position, the state in Tasmota is ON as well.
SwitchMode 2
Set switch to inverted follow mode (0 = ON, 1 = OFF)
At the time when the circuit is closed, Tasmota will send OFF and opening the circuit sends ON .
When connecting a momentary switch (i.e., a push-button) you will want to use SwitchMode 3..7 .
You’ll need to play around with how the switch works. Some will want to be set to toggle due to the momentary/push button switch, and some will function like a normal on/off switch.
So I just cracked open a Brilliant fan controller. It appears that the ESP communicates with another chip, STM8S00 or something. My electronics skills aren’t fantastic…
Not sure how to proceed. Any tips for figuring out what I/O would need to be coded into this thing?
I would rather figure out the I/O before I try flashing ESPhome onto it since in its current state I should be able to use it via the Tuya component of I had to… Not sure how possible that is
If you configure it as a TuyaMCU in tasmota and do a weblog 4 when you hit buttons on the remote you should see some debug output in the tasmota console.
Now I’m not sure if tasmota allows you to just send those commands directly as most of the existing things are about lights on/off or brightness levels.
Could potentially ask on the github/forums once we have the tx/rx data.
In the mean time it seems that if you do a weblog 5 in console, hit a button on the rf remote and capture the value from the console you can add rules to send it using SerialSend5
Another item worth keeping an eye on. Jaycar look to have recently added a Shelly1 knock-off on their website. It doesn’t look like it has hit the stores yet, but could be the item we’ve all been hoping for.
Nice write up, maybe add some more pictures of the board/s. Just to confirm, this switch has 1 input, but 2 outputs.
I had a look at them last week, but wasn’t sure of the quality of the buttons, what are your thoughts on the quality. Are they touch sensitive, or push/toggle type?