Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Can you post some photos of the low voltage board in the yellow box version?

Ok - pic attached but after a fresh look I have learnt something new. The even numbered models appear to be the same but without wifi - ie local control only. When I ordered the first batch I didn’t see this as an option but looking on some websites now apparently now they are - my mistake.

I now understand why I couldn’t reflash them OTA :slight_smile:

A smart switch without wifi ?
That’s not very smart… :wink:


Yes the switches are all working fine and the power monitoring works - for the four gang I use
Backlog TuyaMCU 31,103;TuyaMCU 32, 102;TuyaMCU 33, 104; TuyaMCU 11,1;TuyaMCU 12,2;TuyaMCU 13,3;TuyaMCU 14,4

I get a POWER1 MQTT message but not a button or switch message that I am expecting. It also triggers a rule on Power state but not button state. I don’t think there is anything else I should be doing - it must be the Tuya config/code I think.

I have switchtopic and button topic set -
07:47:56 CMD: switchtopic
07:47:56 MQT: root/mobile/devices/b_units/b_G08/RESULT = {“SwitchTopic”:“b_G08”}
07:48:00 CMD: buttontopic
07:48:00 MQT: root/mobile/devices/b_units/b_G08/RESULT = {“ButtonTopic”:“b_G08”}

This is what I get when power state changes - I get exactly the same whether manually switched or remote switches (I really need someway to tell them apart to be able to do better automations)
07:48:02 MQT: root/mobile/devices/b_units/b_G08/STATE = {“Time”:“2020-02-18T07:48:02”,“Uptime”:“0T00:23:56”,“UptimeSec”:1436,“Heap”:30,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“MqttCount”:1,“POWER1”:“ON”,“POWER2”:“OFF”,“POWER3”:“OFF”,“POWER4”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:"[ssid]",“BSSId”:"[bssid]",“Channel”:11,“RSSI”:64,“Signal”:-68,“LinkCount”:1,“Downtime”:“0T00:00:07”}}
07:48:02 MQT: root/mobile/devices/b_units/b_G08/RESULT = {“POWER1”:“ON”}
07:48:02 MQT: root/mobile/devices/b_units/b_G08/POWER1 = ON (retained)

I mentioned a few weeks ago that Bunnings had a 4-gang Deta switch on their web site available for special order, I order one (and an inline switch). I went on holidays before they came in, but have since received a notice the order ready for pick up. When I went to pick it up, they only had the inline switch.

They just got back to me, the 4-gang switch will not be in stock until April. I now notice it is no longer on the web site.

I was hoping you’d update us soon with your progress :slight_smile: I asked about the 4 gang on the weekend and the guy couldn’t find any evidence in their system. Looks like I’ll have to simmer my excitement for replacement switches. Appreciate the heads up

@Wayne, how are you controlling the switch remotely? Just via MQTT?

If so, perhaps you could send an Event command to the switch via MQTT, rather than just a Power command. That way you would know where the command had come from, and could write rules accordingly.

Strange, that board definitely doesn’t have an ESP8266 chip on it, but the Brilliant website has WiFi specs for those models.

Glad it’s not just me confused - the website definitely shows Wifi but neither the packaging or the label on the back (in the photo above) mention it. Just calls it a touch control light switch.

I just picked one up from Bunnings @ Bankstown airport store, so I’ll see if I can share some more details once I’ve had a play with it.


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I got my Brilliant Smart powerboard and finally had time to play with it today. My first try at tuya-config. Once I had that working tasmota flashed and worked with this template:

Of course I then had to flash it with esphome, just to make it my own (and avoid mqtt). I have a config that seems to work well and when I have cleaned it up will post it to and post back here.

This will be switching the spa pathway lights and some other outdoor lights. I have leaned considerably on this config but with the GPIO’s adjusted.

Looking forward to getting it in its waterproof box and not having to stumble around turning the lights off after a relaxing spa.


With regards to the Deta products from bunnings, what tasmota Pre-compiled binarie is recommended? Is it the standard tasmota.bin okay or is there a memory limit that requires a smaller binarie to be used?

I believe the one that is bundled with tuya_convert will work fine.

Thanks, will get around to trying it one of these days

Hey guys, is there a device sold by bunnings that can act as a sonoff sv?

If you’re specifically looking for low voltage, no.
There are other ( non Bunnings ) options.
What is it that your wanting to switch, and why a low voltage input ?

Well I already have a couple of SVs controlling my gate and garage motors but their Wifi performance is pretty bad. So I thought I’d try something with better standards

I use a nodeMCU flashed with ESPhome, a relay and reed switch to control my garage door.
If you have range issues I’d suggest you use something like a Wemos D1 Mini Pro with an external antenna


I’m using the standard one just fine with the light switch. Have it set up to be turned on with a Mirabella motion sensor.

Hi, my local Bunning has released a whole range of GRID Connect products!

I have the two switch light panel working already for a few weeks now. Just bought the power point and an inline switch.
Pictures of their IoT devices on display:

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