Looking to start a discussion about how to track water usage from mains here in Australia.
I live in South East Queensland and we have Unitywater who conducted a 12 month Digital Meter trial. I emailed them asking for any digital meters they know of etc
Thank you for your enquiry regarding our 12 month digital meter trial.
The digital meter trial in Clontarf and Noosa Sound has now ended. The trial tested the technology and the benefit to Unitywater customers and is informing a much wider rollout which will begin installation early this year. We will be liaising with customers who are included in this broadening rollout.
Unfortunately we are currently unable to provide digital meters to customers outside of our trial properties to assist in monitoring water consumption.
There are a variety of products on the market that you may be interested in which can be installed to help with the detection of leaks that shut off the water automatically e.g. Aquatrip. Data loggers are another method used to monitor water pressure and flow data, which can be accessed remotely. These devices can send alerts to advise of spikes in water flow and pressure issues so that you can respond early to investigate the unusual water patterns at your property.
who knows when this will happen etc, but in the meantime has anyone got actual tracking installed?
Be great to compile a list and see what ppl have