Authentication Error

I am running AppDaemon3 in Hassio and getting this error.

2018-02-22 12:36:49.507744 INFO AppDaemon: HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 0.63.3
2018-02-22 12:36:49.534446 WARNING AppDaemon: HASS: Error in authentication
2018-02-22 12:36:49.539240 WARNING AppDaemon: HASS: Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

I am sure it has somethign to do with duck dns and letsencrypt. Here is my config. It looks right from all the examples i have seen but no go.

secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
disable_apps: 0
threads: 10
app_dir: /config/appdaemon/apps
api_ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
api_ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
type: hass
ha_key: !secret hadash_password
cert_path: /ssl/fullchain.pem
cert_verify: False
namespace: default
dash_dir: /config/appdaemon/dashboards

Test dashboard loads but can’t find the enitiys. :frowning:

Looks like It had something to do with password length. Once I changed the password and rebooted everything it is working.

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combed through the code and it’s because you might have a number only password which gets casted as a number instead of a string. Someone should maybe file a bug.

thats just yaml behaviour, not a bug.
possible options are to put quotes around it, or andrew could put in a check if its a string or not.