Auto creating devices from MQTT topic

Hi there,

I’ve successfully got home Assistant managing my cbus lights through mqtt, CgateWeb & Cgate. However, the lights only appear as entities, not devices which (I think!) limits my automation options.

Is there any way to create devices from the entities? Or even creating them manually? I tried adding a unique identifier, but it doesn’t work. I can’t use mqtt auto discovery as CgateWeb doesn’t support it.

Sample config element:

# First test light:
# Use this structure for dimmable lights
 - platform: mqtt
    name: Hallway
    command_topic: "cbus/write/254/56/105/switch"
    brightness_command_topic: "cbus/write/254/56/105/ramp"
    brightness_state_topic: "cbus/read/254/56/105/level"
    state_topic: "cbus/read/254/56/105/state"
    brightness_scale: 100
    on_command_type: brightness
    unique_id: HallwayLights
    device: { identifiers : "CBUS56.105", name : "Hallway Light" }