Auto discovered devices, unique_id's and config'less setup

Hi team

I am trying to minimise my manual config by using the discovery: component and have that add my devices.

This has picked up my Satellite receiver (Enigma2 OpenWebif) box, however I cannot configure the box via the UI as it displays the “This entity (“media_player.zgemmah92s_local”) does not have a unique ID” message.

Am I misunderstanding what the discovery component does? Is it not meant to find a device and add it so that you can then configure it via the UI without having to resort to manually adding the device into the configuration.yaml file?


Discovery is the ‘old’ way of doing things. If the discovered integration does not give unique_id’s then there’s nothing you can do to get it manageable through the UI. You’ll have to wait until this integration is added to the UI integrations or until someone adds the ability to configure this with the unique_id field.

Ah… that makes sense. Thanks! So should the discovery: be commented out to move away from the old way of doing things?

You can still use it. When integrations move into the UI, discovery is removed in favor of the new method.