Hello, I am trying to publish a JSON message to my MQTT server.
Here is how I am trying to send :
if (client.connect((char*) clientName.c_str(), mqttUser, mqttPassword)) {
StaticJsonDocument<500> JSONbuffer;
JsonObject JSONencoder = JSONbuffer.to<JsonObject>();
JSONencoder["name"] = "Hall Computers Master";
JSONencoder["command_topic"] = "office/switch/hall/computer/state";
JSONencoder["state_topic"] = "office/switch/hall/computer/state";
char JSONmessageBuffer[500];
serializeJson(JSONbuffer, JSONmessageBuffer);
client.publish(topic1_config, JSONmessageBuffer);
client.publish(topic1_state, "ON");
} else {
Serial.print("failed with state ");
With all that as well. I can get serial.println exactly how it should be. But not able to send the publish message on the topic. I don’t know where I am wrong. Although my below client.publish(topic1_state, "ON");
works very well every time.
Just not able to send the JSON payload.
Thank you! (In advance)