Auto discovery of mDNS host that has no service record

I am working on a new integration who’s hardware device broadcasts an mDNS record, and so is at a known device.local hostname. Unfortunately it doesn’t register itself as a service though, so there are no *._tcp records for it. I would love to have it auto-discovered, but can’t figure out how to do this with zeroconf, since it expects you to give it service type.

The documentation seems to vaguely hint this can be done here Networking and Discovery | Home Assistant Developer Docs

Home Assistant has built-in helpers to support mDNS/Zeroconf and SSDP. If your integration uses another discovery method that needs to determine which network interfaces to use to broadcast traffic, the Network integration provides a helper API to access the user’s interface preferences.

To be clear, what I hope to achieve is the integration shows up Discovered automatically, with a Configure button for adding it.

Any ideas?

In case someone stumbles into this looking for answers, it looks like what I was trying to do is not possible. Auto Discovery of integrations in Haas is limited to true service discovery systems like zeroconf, ssdp, and homekit. While python-zeroconf does use mDNS for name resolution, it only does it for services. It doesn’t expose methods for doing basic name lookups.

Also the bit of documentation I referenced above, after reading it closer, is not related to Auto Discovery of integrations. Instead its just saying you can discover devices on your own (though not auto discovery).