Auto-entities and filtered list of mini-media-players

UPDATE: Solved this while sitting here, but don’t understand why. If I remove the “state: playing” then everything works as expected.

Pulling my hair out on this one! I am using auto-entities to create a list of media players and then using a filter to only display the media-player card for sources that are actively playing. This is all in combination with a grid layout, since this is my primary dashboard. The problem I’m experiencing is that when a media source is playing I’m getting two cards. A mini-media-player card as I expect, and a duplicate error card that says no card type configured, for the same entity. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

# Show a media player card for all playing and paused media players
  - type: "custom:auto-entities"
      grid-area: media
    show_empty: false
      type: grid
      columns: 2
      square: false
    card_param: cards
        - domain: media_player
            type: "custom:mini-media-player"
            group: false
            artwork: material
            info: scroll
              power: true
        - state: playing
        - entity_id: media_player.front_door_speaker
        - entity_id: media_player.atv_family_room
        - entity_id: media_player.family_room_sonos_arc
        - entity_id: media_player.sonos_all
        - state: unavailable
        - state: standby
        - state: idle
        - state: paused

What you are doing here is:

  1. Show me “media_player” entities - with type: “custom:mini-media-player” of ANY STATE - inside Grid card.
  2. Also, show me ANY entities with a “playing” state - with no type specified - inside Grid card.

Means - you need to define a “playing” state as a PART of the 1st filter, not as an additional one.
See a proper syntax in auto-entities Repo.

BTW, there is a dedicated auto-entities thread for similar questions.
More chances you will get answers faster.