šŸ”¹ Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

Sweet, thanks. Will give it a try. And apologies, I am thinking ā€˜devicesā€™ that I want to classify, but using an availability entity to do so (and determine if it is critical, test, etc.).

There is also a native ā€œlabelā€ filter but users complained about it. So - use jinja.

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ā€˜Tryingā€™ to use Auto entities but is the GUI filter part broke?

I create a new card
Click on add filter group
In the Select property box I click something/anything from the dropdown but a few seconds later it vanishes and I have to pick it again and it wonā€™t progress past this.

Same on Edge and Chrome.

If I edit the code directly and say enter:-
- domain: light

go back to visual editor it now shows:-
Property Entity domain
Value light

If I then try and select from the dropdown they seem to revert back to Entity domain or light, if I select property on the next box this again vanishes whatever I pick.

Itā€™s like itā€™s constantly updating but reading from the yaml code.

I want to use the visual editor as I donā€™t know all the code and options even though Iā€™ve just tried and frustratingly got nowhere :unamused:

Also if I enter something quicky say in value field click save it says saved but when I go back itā€™s notā€¦
Whereas if I do it via the code editor it saves it.

Same issue? Cannot add new filtering properties on old cards Ā· Issue #483 Ā· thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities

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@thomasloven : Many thanks for this great development.

Iā€™m using auto-entities to show all timers/alarms that are currently set. Using the auto-entities card, everything looks normal.
However, to save space and combine these entities with other related information, I want to display them inside a regular entities card. Here, when I use auto-entities as the entity card type, the border and margin of the regular card is preserved:

Is there a way to configure auto-entities so that the entities from auto-entities embed into the standard entities card like regular entities? Alternatively, does someone know how to use card-mod correctly in this case?

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  - entity: sun.sun
    name: xxx
  - entity: sun.sun
    name: yyy
    - domain: counter

As far as I can see, thatā€™s still a card inside a card:



type: entities
- type: section
  label: entities
- entity: sun.sun
- type: section
  label: auto-entities
- type: custom:auto-entities
    type: entities
    - entity: sun.sun
      name: xxx
    - entity: sun.sun
      name: yyy
      - domain: counter
title: Auto-entities in entities card

I want the auto-entities to look just like the top where I simply put the entity as normal

No need to paste auto-entities inside entities card.

Can auto-entities show a dynamic list of sensors based on an input_number?

With a template trigger I have generated calender-events that are shown in template editor correct.
{{ state_attr(ā€˜sensor.calendar_eventsā€™, ā€˜scheduled_eventsā€™) | list }}

With a template sensor I have generated a list of single sensors based on the array above.
These sensors are named: sensor.calendar_event1, 2, 3, ā€¦ , 9

With the following regex filter I can show the hole list in a correct way.

    - entity_id: /^sensor.calendar_event[1-9]$/

My goal is now to show a dynamic list based on input_number.calendar_count
So, when this count is 1, only 1 entry shall be shown, when itā€™s 9, all entries shall be shown.
Is it possible to define this via a template, or is there a better solution?

Kind of

        {{ (
             states.sensor |
             selectattr('entity_id','search',.......) |
             map(attribute='entity_id') | list
           )[:states('input_number.xxxx') | int(0)] }}

FYI if you attempt to use auto-entities with grid section (not grid card) for section views, it royally screws up your browser. ~50 exceptions a second or so.

Because of dynamic height?
Some people reported similar about a stock entity-filter card in sections.

Not sure, I didnā€™t dig into it as it took firefox to itā€™s knees. Going to use the regular grid card to get the job done instead.

None of my dashboards is based on sections due to different glitches.
Using sections for testing only.

Iā€™ve been using them here and there, they have a nice look. It would be nice to get them to work with auto-entities. Iā€™m sure itā€™s doable, auto-entities is in maintenance mode so someone with frontend dev experience will need to add it

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have an example there?

using sections everywhere, so I can test if you want.

not much to test, just attempt to use auto entities using custom:hui-grid-sections as the card type. It will likely crash your browser or cause it to lag.

But what for? What do you want to achieve?

ā€¦ a dynamic number of entities inside a section grid. Or dynamic number of cards, doesnā€™t matter what.

Iā€™m not really asking for help here, Iā€™m explaining that it doesnā€™t work and warning others that it doesnā€™t work.

hmm, I only use cards: everywhereā€¦
have only single column views, so no use for grid: sections yet

only auto-entities that breaks my config is using filter on label.
it did that also in masonry so unrelated.

But, Thomas is back and rewriting some of his cards, maybe he will check auto-entities too