🔹 Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

Any special reason to auto-create a list with just ONE entity with a known name?
Since you need to show the row only if “ON” - you may use a conventional conditional row.

In general (not for this case which is unclear for me) - try using decluttering-card.

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No special reason, I just didn’t know there was another way :roll_eyes: but thanks ill try it out!
Also I will see if I can figure out how to use decluttering-card

Thanks a lot for your answer!

Hi guys

How do I turn this into a grid layout.

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  title: Fronius Readings
  state_color: true
    - integration: fronius
        type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
  exclude: []
  method: friendly_name


I want to use filter template to display only entities for area based on input_text.
Now my code looks like:

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: custom:layout-card
  layout: horizontal
  column_num: 2
  view_layout: horizontal
  exclude: []
    - domain: light
        type: custom:auto-entities
          type: custom:layout-card
            - height: 200px
            - width: 200px
          template: >-
            {% if area_name(config.entity) == states('input_text.room')
              {{ [
                  "type": "custom:button-card",
                  "entity": config.entity,
             ] }}
            {% endif %}
        show_empty: false
show_empty: false

But not matching entities are not displayed, but are created and there are empty places .

How can i achieve list without this empties ?


Is it possible to show the value of an attribute in the card rather than the main state value?

I have a bunch of Zigbee sensors integrated through zigbee2mqtt. They all have linkquality and battery attributes and some have other attributes as well. I would like to have a battery card that showed the battery levels of all of them for example.

Kind of this:

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
    unique: true
    show_empty: true
        - entity_id: device_tracker.*
            ip: "*.*"
            count: 2
            method: name
            type: attribute          ##### show attribute value
            attribute: ip
            secondary_info: last-changed


The most difficult issue is to specify a filter to show only your required entities.
In my example only trackers with present “ip” attribute are listed.

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Thank you, that looks like what I need. I could not find that options: type: attribute in the documentation for the card.

I use this and it’s working OK.

  title: Battery
  type: entities
type: custom:auto-entities
    - options:
        type: attribute
        attribute: battery
        secondary_info: last-changed
        battery: ">= 0"
  method: attribute
  attribute: battery
  numeric: true

Can I make it say “xx %” for the value?

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This is an option of the conventional Entities card.

Try using a suffix option.

Whatever is specified in the “options” section is passed directly to the row, this is not an auto-entities-specific.

Ah I see. Thank you.

For those who use Shelly devices and want a card with all their devices and clickable links to manage them:

  show_header_toggle: false
  title: Shelly links
  type: entities
  template: |-
    {%- for state in states.sensor -%}
      {%- if  state.entity_id | regex_match("sensor.*ip", ignorecase=False) -%}    
              'entity': state.entity_id,
              'name': state.attributes.friendly_name|replace(" IP",""),
              'type': 'weblink',
              'url': "http://"+state.state
      {%- endif -%}
    {%- endfor -%}
type: custom:auto-entities

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i want to use the auto entity card and automatically build cards
so i would like to have a heading and seven entities in one vertical stack
these vertical stacks should repeat for all entities but always should contain 7 entities.



and so on

any way to make a template for this?

Do you have any idea how to make the list of entities expand only to the bottom with new items?

Currently it expands both down and up making it impossible for me to place it near the top of the screen on the main screen.

Use 2 auto-entities cards with same filter & different sort options:

  • entities ## 0 … 6
  • entities ## 7 … 13

P.S. This method may be also used to list rows in 2 columns.

Unclear, can you provide more details with pics?

hey guys, reading through, but couldn’t find what im looking for.

Im wanting to have Auto Entities create cards that are grouped by area and only showing the lights in each area?

Any ideas?

Look at my post above… For entities card this works, but i have problem with other cards (light)

Nah I don’t want to filter, I want to create area cards that show all the lights??

I have floorplan with status

I would like the status field to be on the top left and new items from auto-entities to appear at the bottom and the list to only expand downwards, currently it expands both up and down as in the image below.

This is not about the auto-entities card - it’s about layout.

hmm… regardless of the selected layout for the dashboard, Auto-entities automatically fill cards with entities in the same way to the top and bottom while increasing its size, and I need it to expand only to the down with each new entity that adds.