šŸ”¹ Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

isnā€™t more-info the action by default already?

what happens if you donā€™t specify that at all?

no, it toogles then :slight_smile:

I see, use:


and it shows more-info

btw, its the same behavior using:

    - type: custom:auto-entities
          - domain: climate
              type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
              show_temperature_control: true
              layout: horizontal
              # required because default action is not what documentation claims
                action: more-info

and a bit surprising indeed. should be the default, as documented, and no reason auto-entities would interfere there

fear its a bug in the mushroom-climate card:

    - type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
      show_temperature_control: true
      layout: horizontal
      entity: climate.heater_dorm

does not more-info eitherā€¦

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thanks a lot.
I started without template, but then I couldnā€™t find out, how to rename. Thatā€™s why I had to go with a template.

yes, the renaming needs another setup, but I figured that wasnt the main point if your question now. got to remember that in those template filters, you simply need to embrace the objects/dicts with braces to keep them together.
read this primer by Thomas: Thomas LovƩn - YAML for Non-programmers

it seems like itā€™s not going to work after all.
Still toggles, and does not show more info.
Here is my code, any mistake?

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:mushroom-title-card
    title: ''
    subtitle: Einstellung
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      template: |-
        {% for x in states.climate -%}
              'type': 'custom:mushroom-climate-card',
              'show_temperature_control': true,
              'layout': 'horizontal',
              'entity': x.entity_id,
              'name': state_attr(x.entity_id, 'friendly_name')|replace('Thermostat ', ''),
        {%- endfor %}
    show_empty: true
      square: false
      columns: 1
      type: grid
    card_param: cards
      method: friendly_name

should be tap_action:

you can also do:

'tap_action': {'action':'more-info'}
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Could you please clarify with example.
I would like to get a dynamic value for sort: count: but no success :frowning:

Show us your unsuccessful attempt with defining a sort inside the ā€œtemplateā€ option, weā€™ll try to fix it.

Is there any way to filter two groups at once? How to?

The current value of input_number.auto_entities_sort_count in the Template editor:

{{ states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int }}
      method: state
      reverse: true
      numeric: true
      count: |
        template: > 
          {%-   if states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 6 %} 6
          {%- elif states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 8 %} 8
          {%- elif states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 10 %} 10
          {% endif %}

You cannot use a ā€œtemplateā€ option INSIDE any other option, it must be only inside the ā€œfilterā€ option.

Yes I know, but I need to change the sort: section and it hasnā€™t ā€œtempleteā€ option :confused:
So, no options?

You should define a sorted list by using the ā€œtemplateā€ option.
Something like this:

      template: >-
        {{ states.switch |
           selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
           sort(reverse=true,attribute='name') |
           map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}

Sorry, not quite clear, this is not working :confused:

      template: >- 
        {%   if states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 4 %}
        {% elif states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 8 %}
        {% elif states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int == 10 %}
        {% endif %}

check this post, and see how sort is Not contained in the filter template. It can be done.

probably the only way to template the config option for sort, would be by using custom:config-template-card

you then embrace your working auto-entities card, make a variable for the count, and have that set by the config-template-card.

I fear though that is going to be a very demanding card for the Frontend, as it constantly evaluates both the auto-entities, and the new count optionā€¦

what Ildar is saying is you can use the jinja template to create a list, but then need to do all manipulation inside that template.

you can add a selector to that template and show only 4:

        {{ (states.switch |
           selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
           sort(reverse=true,attribute='name') |
           map(attribute='entity_id') | list)[:4] }}

ofc, you can then replace the 4 with a templated state of your input_number.auto_entities_sort_count


{% set number = states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int(default=0) %}        
{{ (states.switch |
     selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
     sort(reverse=true,attribute='name') |
    map(attribute='entity_id') | list)[:number] }}
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You may only use jinjia inside templates.
This ā€œsort(count=ā€˜4ā€™)ā€ is not smth supported.

As example:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
        name: reverse sort
  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
    unique: true
    show_empty: true
      template: >-
        {% if is_state('input_boolean.test_boolean','on') -%}
        {%- set SORT_REVERSE = true -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- set SORT_REVERSE = false -%}
        {%- endif -%}
          states.switch |
          selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
          sort(reverse=SORT_REVERSE,attribute='name') |
          map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}


quickly scribbled this together

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: entities
        - input_number.auto_entities_count
         template: >
           {% set number = states('input_number.auto_entities_count')|int(default=0) %}
           {{ (states.switch |
           selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
           sort(reverse=true,attribute='name') |
           map(attribute='entity_id') | list)[:number] }}

ofc you can also template the state of the order directly,

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: entities
        - input_number.auto_entities_count
        - input_boolean.auto_entities_sort_reverse
        - type: divider
         template: >
           {% set number = states('input_number.auto_entities_count')|int(default=0) %}
           {% set sort = is_state('input_boolean.auto_entities_sort_reverse','on') %}
           {{ (states.switch
               |selectattr('state','eq', 'off')
               |list)[:number] }}

what ever you want really. As long as it is inside the template and follows jinja rules on list manipulation

Generally works, but not entirely accurate :wink:
I donā€™t think it was the best idea and no way to make it goodly.

sad, that easy count: {{ states(ā€˜input_number.auto_entities_sort_countā€™)|int }} canā€™t be used

  - type: custom:auto-entities
      type: entities
      title: Voltage
      show_header_toggle: false
        - entity_id: 'sensor.0x*_voltage'
            style: |
              :host {
                 {% if states(config.entity)|int < 218 %} #4285F4;
                 {% elif states(config.entity)|int < 222 %} #0F9D58;
                 {% elif states(config.entity)|int < 226 %} #F4B400;
                 {% else %} #DB4437;
                 {% endif %} }
        - state: "= 0"
        - state: "unavailable"
        - state: "None"
      template: >- 
        {% set number = states('input_number.auto_entities_sort_count')|int(default=0) %}        
        {{ (states.sensor |
           selectattr('state','eq', 'off') |
           sort(reverse=true,attribute='name') |
           map(attribute='entity_id') | list)[:number] }}
    show_empty: false
      method: state
      reverse: true
      numeric: true

Cannot combine ā€œtemplateā€ with other variants.

Updated: I was wrong