šŸ”¹ Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

From your answer I assume it isnā€™t possible to explicitly include/exclude by integration (as can be done with domain), but rather is dependent on appending something like _zw to all Z-wave entity names. Is that right?

As to my current understanding ā€¦yes. I do not know of any include or exclude by integration.

This is one of my auto entities card that show all lights that are on:

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
show_empty: false
  method: name
  type: glance
  columns: 3

It is showing as below:
Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.42.12 PM

How can I config it to show each light entity as light card as below?
Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.42.22 PM

Hello guys

I am trying to configure a card where I will be showing the automations from a given room and hide them when the automation is disabled. However I want to have a button that can enable the show and hide of those disabled automations. This is what I got to so far:

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
  type: entities
  title: AutomaƧƵes
  state_color: true
  show_header_toggle: false
  - input_boolean.show_hidden_automations_for_corner_bedroom
    - domain: automation
      name: '* [Cc]orner [Bb]edroom*'
    - domain: automation
      state: 'off'

I would say I need to put in the exclude something along the lines of:

`input_boolean.xxx state = 'off'`

But I was not able to find the way to do it or find an example with this. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

try the fold-entity-row custom card:

my code as an example

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:auto-entities'
      type: 'custom:fold-entity-row'
        type: section
        label: Current Incidents
      open: true
        - entity_id: geo_location.rfs*
      show_empty: true
      method: state

Hi, thanks again for the card @thomasloven. I have had a quick look through the thread and readme but couldnā€™t find the answer to this one (I may have missed it). I would like to have a glance card, row of 3 sitting inside a stack-in card. The first two (or last two) to be filtered using auto-entities, then the last (or first) bet a constant

This is my current lovelace code:

        - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
            - type: 'custom:auto-entities'
                type: glance
                - entity_id: sensor.*battery*
                - entity_id: "*phone*"
                - entity_id: "*ipad*"
                method: state
                numeric: true
                count: 3

What it currently looks like:


However, I would like one of the icons (first or last) to always be another sensor; sensor.synology_ups

What would be the best way of always having that sensor included?

Obviously I would change the count to 2ā€¦


Thank you for the response
I went ahead and looked at the card docs and even though it would solve my problem in a way it is not exactly what I am looking for

There is probably an easy way to put the state of a variable as a condition for the exclusion of certain things and that is the idea I am looking for.

Anyone else noticing a serious performance hit when using auto-entities? Using cards manually my Lovelace is a lot faster and very responsive. Having the same cards but generated using auto-entities my UI is a lot more sluggish. This is especially noticeable on mid-range smartphones/tablets.

Hi, is it possible to fill a light group with auto entities?

I want to be able to change brightness and color for the created group as if it Was one light.

Unfortunately I found no way to get it working. Some ideas?

Thank you in advance.

It is now.
I just released version 1.8.0

    - group: light.your_light_group

1.8.0 also features significant speed improvements, and a GUI editor!

I recommed Home Assistant 21.3 or later to get the full experience.


I think the latest version might have introduced a bug with how Auto-Entities interact with columns.

After updating, no cards will stack below an auto-entities card in a column (with the exception of other auto-entities cards). Instead, any attempt to stack a card below an auto-entities card results in a new column being created, even if thereā€™s plenty of empty space for the card to stack in the existing column.

I notice that all my auto-entities cards that have mini-graph card in it doesnā€™t load up on all browsers, iOS, Android (chrome, HA app) and Chrome and Edge (chromium) on desktop the cards are empty. This is my setup: auto-entities -> grid card -> mini-graph

I also have auto-entities that autopopulate custom button-cards, which do work. This auto-entities -> grid card -> button-card.

I cleared cache and can see in dev menu that 1.8.0b1 is installed.

Should be fixed in 1.8.1

Somehow 1.8.1 messed up my UI even more? I notice all content inside layout-card is removed now on the same tab that I mini-graph inside auto-entities. Tabs that donā€™t have mini-graph cards inside auto-entities are not affected.

I am confused.

edit: btw, I cleared browser cache and dev tool shows auto-entities 1.8.1 is loaded. Reverting to 1.7.0 fixes it. Something with mini-graph, auto-entities and now layout-card is not working nice.

same issue here with 1.8.1. I tried a test case with a vertical stack, and two auto-entities and somehow it broke that dashboard, with nothing showing up even when I tried adding a new card. Test case here.

Reverting to 1.7.0 works great.

Try 1.8.2  

1 Like

Working great now. Thanks! <3

Unfortunately I have no luck. It completely disables all cards inside the same lay-out card if mini-graph is also present. Other tabs where mini-graph is not used, all other cards show up. All cards are inside auto-entities.

Reverted to 1.7.0, works. Updated back to 1.8.2, again lost cards.

1.8.2 is working great now for my use case. Thank you for the awesome project.

Thanks for the quick fix, Thomas, 1.8.2 fixed the issue I had posted on GitHub. Appreciate all that you create and do!