Auto-Entities + Card-Mod: Hide entity state

Good day,

I use auto-entities to show me a list of the latest activity (last 5 mins) in my house for the domains motion, door and image (frigate person detection).

It works well so far but to save some screen space, I would like to hide the entity state (e.g. “open”, “detected”, “clear”, or dates in case of images).


But I am struggling to find the right card_mod style to hide the entity states. The code below does not work.


I would appreciate any help to find the right code snippet to hide the state column, thanks.

did you manage to get this sorted? i’m looking to do the same thing but not sure how


In short - general schema:

  1. When card-mod must be applied for a whole TARGET card:
type: custom:auto-entities
  type: ... some target card
  card_mod: ...
filter: ...
  1. When card-mod must be applied for a particular entry:
type: custom:auto-entities
  type: ... some target card
    - ... some filter
        card_mod: ...
  1. When card-mod must be applied for a particular entry - which is defined by a “template”:
type: custom:auto-entities
  type: ... some target card
  template: >-
    ... define a template + add "card_mod" code as a part of the template

Details - in those threads.