Auto entities / multiple-entity-row card does only show all icons on a row

Hi, I used for quite some time the beautiful card of i00 (SRM sensor · Issue #1 · i00/Chatter · GitHub) which shows with the help of auto-entities, multiple-entity-row and custom card a nice overview of all my network devices.

It should look something like this:

Now after some time (not sure since what release), it looks like this:

Diving into to the code could not lead for myself to a solution:

  show_header_toggle: false
  title: Devices
  type: entities
  state_color: false
    - attributes:
        scanner: SynologySrmDeviceScanner
      entity_id: device_tracker.*
      state: home
          - attribute: mac
          - attribute: ip_addr
          - icon: mdi:ethernet
          - icon: mdi:wifi-strength-1
          - icon: mdi:wifi-strength-2
          - icon: mdi:wifi-strength-4
          - icon: mdi:gamepad-variant-outline
          - icon: mdi:cellphone
          - icon: mdi:television
          - icon: mdi:dlna
          - icon: mdi:desktop-tower
          - icon: mdi:nas
          - icon: mdi:laptop
          - icon: mdi:tablet
          - icon: mdi:cctv
          - icon: mdi:printer
          - icon: mdi:router-wireless
          - icon: mdi:home-assistant
          - icon: mdi:home-automation
        icon: mdi:none
          attribute: band
        show_state: false
        style: >
          {% set lMAC = 1 %} {% set lIP = 2 %} {% set iEthernet = 3 %} {% set
          iWiFiBad = 4 %} {% set iWiFiOK = 5 %} {% set iWiFiGood = 6 %} {% set
          iGame = 7 %} {% set iPhone = 8 %} {% set iTV = 9 %} {% set iDLNA = 10
          %} {% set iDesktop = 11 %} {% set iNAS = 12 %} {% set iLaptop = 13 %}
          {% set iTablet = 14 %} {% set iCamera = 15 %} {% set iPrinter = 16 %}
          {% set iRouter = 17 %} {% set iDefault = 18 %} {% set iOthers = 19 %}
          div.entity:nth-child({{lMAC}}),div.entity:nth-child({{lIP}}) {
          } div.entity:nth-child({% if state_attr(config.entity, 'ip_addr') ==
          '' %}{{lIP}}{% else %}{{lMAC}}{% endif %}) {
            display: none !important;
            visibility: hidden !important;
            position: absolute !important;
          } .secondary {
          } {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_wireless') == false %}
          .secondary {
            visibility: hidden;
          } .secondary:before {
            content: 'Ethernet';
            visibility: visible;
          } {% else %} .secondary:after {
            content: ' (Level {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 0 %}1{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 4 %}3{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 3 %}4{% else %}?{% endif %})';
          } {% endif %}

            --mdc-icon-size: 16px;
            position: absolute;
            top: 11px;
            left: 37px;
            visibility: hidden;
          } div.entity:nth-child({% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_wireless')
          == false %}{{iEthernet}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity,
          'rate_quality') == 'low' %}{{iWiFiBad}}{% elif
          state_attr(config.entity, 'rate_quality') == 'middle' %}{{iWiFiOK}}{%
          elif state_attr(config.entity, 'rate_quality') == 'high'
          %}{{iWiFiGood}}{% endif %}) {
              visibility: visible;
          } :host>state-badge {
            {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') != 'others' and state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') != 'default' %}
              visibility: hidden;
            {% endif %}
          } div.entity:nth-child(n+{{iGame}}{# << This is the first icon for the
          device type #}) {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0px;
            left: 8px;
            visibility: hidden;
          } div.entity:nth-child({% if state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') ==
          'gamebox' %}{{iGame}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') ==
          'phone' %}{{iPhone}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') ==
          'tv' %}{{iTV}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'dlna'
          %}{{iDLNA}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'computer'
          %}{{iDesktop}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'nas'
          %}{{iNAS}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'notebook'
          %}{{iLaptop}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'tablet'
          %}{{iTablet}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') == 'ipcam'
          %}{{iCamera}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type') ==
          'printer' %}{{iPrinter}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type')
          == 'router' %}{{iRouter}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'dev_type')
          == 'default' %}{{iDefault}}{% elif state_attr(config.entity,
          'dev_type') == 'others' %}{{iOthers}}{% endif %}) {
              visibility: visible;
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
  ignore_case: true
  method: name
type: custom:auto-entities

As far as I could find it, the code is looking to the “config entity” attributes, but is not able to pick up correctly the “dev-type” which determines the icon. Is there anybody who can see what I need to do to adjust the code to have it working again?

I am a bit further, by adding the card_mod in front of style, it shows again the correct lay-out:

        show_state: false
          style: >

However, I now encounter the issue that the “Ethernet” is not being shown, it comes back as “undefined”:

If I look to the following code, it should show “Ethernet” for non-wireless devices:

            } {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'is_wireless') == false %}
            .secondary {
              visibility: hidden;
            } .secondary:before {
              content: 'Ethernet';
              visibility: visible;
            } {% else %} .secondary:after {
              content: ' (Level {% if state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 0 %}1{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 4 %}3{% elif state_attr(config.entity, 'mesh_node_id') == 3 %}4{% else %}?{% endif %})';
            } {% endif %}

However, it doesn’t. I tried to debug and alter the code, but so far without success. Also ChatGPT was not able to help me further. Any ideas from your side?