Auto-populating sections view strategy

Even though the new Sections layout is experimental I’ve been playing around with it. This probably doesn’t go for everyone, but I’ve always disliked having to manually configure the dashboard. I have always set up sections manually through different cards though, so the new layout is a hugely welcome feature for me.

I figured it’d be nice if the sections I wanted were actually auto-populating. So I made a view (not a dashboard!) strategy strongly inspired by the great auto-entities that’ll generate an entire sections view automatically based on the provided filters.

You can get it here: GitHub - nielsrowinbik/auto-sections-strategy

Here’s an example. This configuration…

layout: sections
  - icon: mdi:home-assistant
      type: custom:auto-sections
        group_by: area
            - domain: climate
            - domain: input_boolean
            - domain: light
            - domain: media_player
            - domain: remote
            - domain: switch
            - state: unavailable
            color: amber
            color: red
            icon: mdi:thermometer
              - hvac_action
              - current_temperature

…yields this result:

It’s pretty barebones at the moment but I wanted it out there anyway for people to try and suggest improvements. The currently supported features are:

  • Filtering by domain, entity_id, and state
  • Grouping by area
  • Adding custom card configurations for all cards, cards belonging to entities in a specific domain, and cards belonging to specific entities.

Looking forward to learning your thoughts and suggestions!


Thank you. I love that someone is putting something like this together.

Here’s some feedback:
I think it would be rare for me to want an entire page where every single section is automatic. It would be really nice if a single automated section could be added to a view that is otherwise maintained manually. That would be a true successor to auto-entities in the section-based future of home assistant.

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just randomly found this! loving where this heading!

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Sorry for the late reply, life got in the way and I kind of forgot this thread :see_no_evil:.

This is a great idea, I’ll see if I can find some time in the near future to think about how to implement this. I’ve added your comment as a feature request to the Github repo: Ability to add a single auto-populating section to an otherwise manually maintained dashboard view · Issue #16 · nielsrowinbik/auto-sections-strategy · GitHub