Auto reload Integration when Custom Integration craches

I just bought Heatzy connected programmers to control my electric heaters. I use this integration: GitHub - Cyr-ius/hass-heatzy: Climate Home Assistant component for Heatzy Pilot to connect to my HA.
It seems to work quite well, with the Pilots + Bluetooth thermometers I was able to create Thermostats (generic thermostat). But the problem I encounter is that randomly (once every 1/2 days) the integration encounter fails to send the command within the time limit, and a timeout error appears in the logs and then the extension crashes.
I noticed when when this happened the radiators heat up infinitely or no longer fire when the Scheduller sends the command. The solution to get it working again is to restart HA or reload the integration, then turn my thermostats off and back on.
Do you know if it would be possible to detect the error in the logs, and at that time, restart the extension automatically, and turn the thermostats off and on again? (I’m new to Home Assistant, I’ve been using it for 3 weeks).
Thanks :slight_smile: